Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎09-11-2023

User Statistics

  • 11 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 7 Bravos Given
  • 4 Bravos Received

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Hey gang,Public mobile used to offer an unlimited data plan with throttling traffic after 5G (or 4G) assigned plan traffic usage. I used to have it, but had to switch, now it is no longer available. Is there a chance they bring it back soon or my bes...
Hello,I can’t find the $15/month plan on Public mobile when I try to change subscription plan. It shows only in “Shop” (shop for plans) but not in the app or when you log in into your account and want to change subscription. The lowest it offers is $...
Joined Public Mobile from another provider and my iMessage shows still activating after the whole day of use of Public Mobile. I tried everything that was humanly possible that was offered as help on this forum. however, nothing works, and I still ca...
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