Researching Internet providers I came across this web site: Mobile is not even mentioned in any rating and particularly not in 'cheapest plan' selection.Their favorite is Fido $15 plan with same features as PM's $15. ...
Glanced at right side of the screen while browsing post and seen this:Few milliseconds I was amazed with such PM response improvement. Then realized what it is...
It will be nice to have time and date somewhere at the top of page as a proof that one CAN log in even though some claim they cannot.Something like this:
Does anybody have and use Pixel 7 or 8?Any comments regarding phone?I read it is pure Android without any bloatware and other garbage manufactures bundle with their versions of Android.
Agent's response time depends on how many requests they receive.It could be from 30 min to few hours or worst case scenario - days.BUT agent WILL get back to you.You are free to chose provider which suits your needs the best. PM does not care much if...
Highly unlikely you lost any bonus when you changed your number at PM site.Use clean browser, incognito mode, clear cookies, refresh few times. Use computer.
Something strange has occurred for sure.You could not create new account using the same email already in a PM system.You better open a Ticket ASAP to avoid any service disruption and/or extra payments.
If your number is Really ported from Chatr then it should be immediately available as 'your' number. Most likely porting did not work. How do you know porting was completed successfully?