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Mayor / Maire

So with CS Agent being so and behind due to the black Friday and the cyber. Monday,  I fear that with last night's maintenance shutdown; this is going to put them even farther behind. I read where people indicated they have already been waiting for 2 days for a response. 

With Christmas just around the bend, I hope public mobile gets their acts together. 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I only waited a couple hrs for the initial response. Then super quick replies after that.

Pm for the win! 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm really not a patient person at all actually... But I understand that is the reason the service is a touch cheaper in the first place, and I really haven't had to Dave customer service assistance often with Telus based services. Comparing customer service to that of calling a credit card or bank to sort out a billing issue, or online account unlock, wasting a half hour on hold... I hate being on hold longer than 30 seconds... I'll hang up and give up, switch my business to somewhere else that offers anything just out of spite. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

That's a good way to look at it @Jberetta2002  but you must be a very patient person in general to views things in that light and you are right that most customers will rarely need to interact with support reps but I can understand frustration by some is warranted if the promo being offered are for a limited time and they are unable to access their account or the promos because of logging problems caused by overloading the website which should have been anticipated and the necessary steps should have been taken ahead of time.

And that's exactly why I stick around. 5 years and changed. I don't know change plans and don't need help very often.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Think about things for a moment. If you're a present PM customer, not changing your service at all, how often do you need a customer service agent? Once every two years maybe when you think about changing your plan, or get a new phone, where you might have the odd issue that you can not solve yourself (or through others experiences, reading the forum here).

The idea behind the savings of your plan on PM compared to other cell service providers is just that. A bit less access to customer service. I've always said if you're a bit on the needy side, and not so technologically advanced, figuring out most of you own issues, or simply just impatient, PM isn't the best option for you. Even some of my older family members have been extremely happy on PM for years, as they simply don't change their level of service, and the Telus system is simply fast, vast and reliable.

End all, be patient. This is not something new, it happens when there's a sale of any kind. Yes, it's frustrating, but the end result is stability, at a great price. 

Mayor / Maire

Really frustrating 

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