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Re: Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Why do the Oracles deserve bravo's more than regular users? They're already being paid for their services. They're far better off than all of us after this change. Some of the Oracles have also been terrible in this thread in particular. They've spent weeks defending this unethical decision by PM (while pretending like they weren't), they've literally lied to protect them (and when called out, ran away), they've targeted users for harassment multiple times, they've silenced people who are angry about this decision, by selectively editing/moving their messages away from this thread, etc. I could go on and on. 

Anyway, there are a bunch of great Oracles out there, but they mostly stayed away from this thread. There have also been a few who have chimed in showing disgust for this decision, and didn't try and defend it. You can tell that those people are genuine. 

I just don't like seeing bad actors/people be rewarded.

Edit: Edited on behalf of "eyes"


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wolfcore  It does seem that once one gains somebody’s attention (I don’t know if its an oracle or mod) they are then closely scrutinized and targeted. For instance, this morning @Yatti4201 posted about a cycle date of May 5 and he had until May 15 as that was 30 days notice since receiving a text on April 15 to that effect. I offered a helpful suggestion to check his payments tab in the app to see what it reflected. I mentioned I felt his May payment should be reduced for 10 days as the 30-day text notice was a commitment by PM but then again “their recent track record of honouring commitments” wasn’t so good.

Both his post and mine disappeared within minutes. I guess PM are now touchy about screwing up the transition period in May.

Moreover, I tried to DM him (to avoid cluttering up the announcement thread) and when I try to select a user, no list appears as it just shows “searching for users” which leads me to wonder if my DM capabilities have been suspended as well.

@Wolfcore wrote:

You always seem to avoid battle when you're accused of being in the wrong. Isn't that a big coinkadink?

But again, playing the victim as always. I'm not labeling people falsely, I'm literally just pointing out what they're doing. If I saw somebody murder somebody else, you'd get mad about me calling them a murderer lol

This community isn't about engaging in battles.


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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Wolfcore - Yes, sometimes Oracles get $20 (Or 20 points) now but the rest only get 1 - 15 points.

But yes, I have never gotten my post moved, other than from lounge to support.

Yes, I agree with you about your explanation and now I am now realizing what you mean.

And sometimes they can get selective and angry at one person, which is against TOS:

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

They are paid by the company, for their services. To me, that's a hire.

And yes, you are correct, they SHOULD be following their own ToS, but this isn't what's happening. They're selective about everything they do. When they believe they are in the right, they are allowed to defend themselves, but when we try, our posts get moved to the lounge. They are allowed to "spam", or post off-topic messages, but if we do, our posts get moved to the lounge.

This is what's been happening in this thread, and I've even called out the ones doing it. It's complete hypocrisy, and the power has gone to their heads in my opinion. 

When the a supposed group of non-employees are able to skirt the rules, because they have the power to do so, that's when you know it's becoming a problem. They're single-handedly controlling the narrative of this forum by picking and choosing what's allowed to be said. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Wolfcore - Oracles have known what the TOS of the community is. They are just watchtowers not hired by the jail.

If no Oracle program, then there will be an overload of spammers since PM officials cannot keep up. Also Oracles don't have free will, they still have to follow TOS or they may get their title removed or banned from community. But most of the posts that are Moved by Oracles are against Terms of Service - just like the referral code.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Oh man, now we're seeing oracles having full-blown meltdowns in the comments, this is crazy to watch. This company is in shambles. Sounds like PM needs to consider shutting down the Oracle program altogether as well, especially if these people are being trusted with sensitive information. The abuse of power is getting out of hand now. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

> “The Sound of Venting” was simply one of my parodies that, in my mind, spoke directly to this topic

Oh the Sound Of Venting was awesome! Encore!   😄


Lol – I didn’t think we were in a battle.

Clearly you do. 

I’m sure you firmly believe in your convictions.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
 Where did you get that I said ---->" that it's clear what they were thinking, and why they aren't responding" ? 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You always seem to avoid battle when you're accused of being in the wrong. Isn't that a big coinkadink?

But again, playing the victim as always. I'm not labeling people falsely, I'm literally just pointing out what they're doing. If I saw somebody murder somebody else, you'd get mad about me calling them a murderer lol

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

That's definitely not what it was, considering this isn't my first interaction with this person. You're thinking too deeply haha.

But yes, this is true, although on smaller scale (singular conversations/interactions), I think you can look at it a bit differently than the government surveillance Snowden was referring to. The government should not be spying on you, period, whether you have something to hide or not. What you're allowed to say, should also not be controlled by the government (at least in a perfect world, where we actually have the right to defend ourselves).

I would say that these are far different than just everyday one-on-one interactions though. If somebody accuses me of something that's untrue, I'll fight 'till the death to defend myself, not make sarcastic comments and then run away. It's just cowardly, and 99% of the time, I feel it's reasonable to come to an accurate assumption as to why they're doing it. Of course I always leave room for error, but come on, we're talking conversations of low-importance here. When someone is wrong, they have no problem speaking up about it (in reverse); I've seen it a few times already. So I don't say these things lightly, I say them based on over a month of interacting with these people.

It's very convenient that they only stop speaking when it appears that they're in the wrong, don't you think?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yes I agree the community board is as you say for --- “find answers, ask questions, and share ideas”.  Hope that my observation doesn't upset you -----but -------I beleive that  one must stick to the threads subject , doing otherwise hides the purpose of the thread and reduces it to just comic relief  ----- this is supposed to be a help forum and not a political or a venting ones frustration forum. BUT fortunately for us PM has  also provided the lounge for such discussions. It is my opinion that,  to flood a thread with unrelated posts defeats the point of having a help forum.

PS --- Oh man - I just did what I preached one should not do - sorry everyone. Ohhhh wait this is now in the lounge - thanks to a very observant and fair Oracle 



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

No, it's called giving my opinion, backed up by the fact that nobody has said anything in over a month, PM is purging subscribers, and they have thousands of angry people across multiple platforms. 

If you consider giving my opinion on the situation, to be me "responding on their behalf", doesn't that mean you literally just did the same thing, by saying that it's clear what they were thinking, and why they aren't responding? Whoosh lol

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

> Innocent people have nothing to hide.

I assumed the eyeroll was for this, perhaps deliberate, / fallacy. Best response is probably from Ed Snowden "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say"

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I don’t get it either. Its a community board to “find answers, ask questions, and share ideas”. If some don’t feel like doing so, thats fine. If some feel like doing so on a frequent basis - that should be fine too. I think less focus on the quantity of posts and more on the quality of posts would benefit us all. To be clear, I’m not being judgemental as when I say “quality” I mean the personal back-and-forth attacks between two people. I think we can all agree thats not what “sharing ideas” is meant to be.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Why are people so obsessed with the amount of people commenting in this thread? It's so odd to me. Only seems to be the Oracles + a few others. We've already been told that there were over 750 unique posters (this was like a month ago), so I assume it's over 1000 now. 1000 unique people complaining about your decision is a large number. The reason why J_PM, or PM haven't responded, is because they have nothing to say. They don't care about their customers, don't want to reverse this decision, and aren't looking to compromise. That's the reason. Has nothing to do with the amount of people posting here.

We have seen PM respond to even a single person making a complaint before, so it has nothing to do with that.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@eyes - Yes, most are by only a couple. I probably did about 50.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thank you for pointing this out to me. On a side note I have perused a few pages of posts on this thread and it became clear as to why @J_PM or PM in general is not responding to our objections. It seems to me that most of the posts are only by a handful of members.

Picking & choosing one’s battles is not deflecting and running away.

Label things/people if it makes you feel better.  

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

See? Another example. You can't defend it, so you deflect, and walk away. People like you always do this, because you really have no other option. Being an honest person isn't a road you're willing to take. If somebody accuses me of something that's untrue, I'd defend it 'till the death, I wouldn't deflect and run. 

I understand that you probably don't like me or my personality, but you can't say that I'm a dishonest person. If somebody asks me a question, or accuses me of something, I've always responded. Even when I've been told I was wrong (even from people who have attacked me in that thread), I've thanked them for the correction, and even bravo'd them.

I don't know why people are unwilling to separate the two sometimes. You can dislike somebody, but you don't have to be a dishonest person to try and "get them". 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Oh, I agree. “The Sound of Venting” was simply one of my parodies that, in my mind, spoke directly to this topic as I was trying to capture the overwhelming feeling of disappointment, frustration, betrayal, and even anger. No matter what emotion people feel, many of the posts in here come down to an act of venting. Rather than accept the occasional post made with the intent to diffuse hostile back-and-forths, it seems those in control of the threads would prefer to continue to put fires out instead.

Mayor / Maire

It’s gotta be exhausting.

Whatever works.




Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The Oracles like to push the narrative that they don't have the power to "delete" posts/threads, but the reality is, banishing them it to some random section of the forum that nobody visits, is the equivalent to banning it. They know this, and that's why they do it. They use the powers that they have available to them, to control the narrative.

When people are looking for information on this topic, they come to this thread, not the lounge lol

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

and you just so happen to be one of these users. Pot calling the kettle black, as they say. When somebody lies and harasses other people, and then runs away, are they really the good guy? The bad guy is the one pointing out the bad actions of the person? They're all of a sudden a victim because somebody pointed out their wrongdoings? Makes me giggle. You can't run from the internet, that's the thing. Once something is written, it's there. These people ran because they knew they couldn't defend themselves, as the literal written evidence of what they've said, was all right there. 

You can keep portraying yourself to be the good guy all you want, but everybody who has participated in that thread, can see exactly who has done what. Your deflection doesn't actually fool anybody, just so you know lol

People just don't like being exposed. They're used to not being challenged on their nonsense, so when they are, they cry victim. Because they know they don't actually have the ability to defend their actions.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

‘When Oracles/mods wants to remove/hide your messages, they banish them to another section of the forum (the lounge), creating a new thread”

Then, if the “Sound of Venting” is any indication, it will remain for a couple of days before vanishing altogether

Mayor / Maire

Before you get ridiculed the user, @eyes , that would have been moved by either the Oracles or PM staff as it was likely deemed to be off topic or argumentative.

Such frequently happens with threads in either the announcement or get help sections.

Segments of them will be grouped together and pushed off to the Lounge for discussion there instead of in the original thread.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Huh? First of all, I was responding to somebody else, but secondly, it's literally about this topic. It's about their possible reasoning for this decision.

Also, I didn't "create another thread". When Oracles/mods wants to remove/hide your messages, they banish them to another section of the forum (the lounge), creating a new thread. Please remove your false accusations about other people 😉

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You literally made a sarcastic comment about $20 not being worth it, about people who actively believe it is. If that wasn't sarcastic, then wow, you really fooled me. So yes, that would be considered mocking. That's not my opinion, that's just the facts of what you did, why shoot the messenger?

Also, if not, why edit your message to remove the comment? Obviously you know it was mockery, or you wouldn't have removed it. Rather than be an honest person and just own the "unintended" mistake, you take it out on me, and run away. You're literally doing the same thing that they've done, so I guess it makes sense. 

Mayor / Maire


It’s the MO of some users to poke and prod for sensationalism and status.

It is also very likely the reason some Oracles (and others) have jumped out of this thread.

It has become unnecessarily hostile and provoking.

You are wise to not engage - focus on members with everyday questions in the Get Help section, and help them find workarounds.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Care to give provide some sort of reasoning for your obvious opposition to what I said? Which part was incorrect?

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