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PM do you know what I think? Re Rewards, Points, Auto Pay, Bonus Data.

Mayor / Maire

One obvious thing about nothing and you will gain points. 


Keep the points in place and rewards grandfathered. 


Why not leave the $2 off for auto pay with bonus data in place? 


Reason....for any one on limited income, or just comparing....all plan prices are $2 off which puts on the competitive edge on PMs pricing. I think some customers won’t be interested in rewards or points and best price (along with Telus network) could be the deciding factor. 


Mayor / Maire


Rich people got rich by counting every penny....and they stay rich by doing the same. When the "give" money away its only because they get it back on the other end. Very few of us on the rewards program will switch to the points program because money in your pocket is always better than discounted redemptions with points.


But the points system can still be rewarding to your pocketbook it just takes a little more work like any loyalty program. Some people need the savings so they will invest the time required to achieve them. While others like to save money but their time is better invested elsewhere.


A few members here including @CountyDownIeUk can't be bothered to use the pc optimum program whereas I utilize it every day to save considerably on my grocery bill ( sometimes more than 100%). But it takes work to do that....and until I can return to work I can devote the time to "points" math in order reduce what I pay out when I am bringing less in.


The autopay and loyalty rewards are no effort savings but some customers would still be satisfied with an affordable service with no surprise billing and never really miss those two rewards.


It's the same as  CPP....billionaires don't the need Canada Pension but they get it anyways. But for many pensioners an extra $20 a month can make all the difference in the world. If the federal government clawed back CPP over a certain income in order to maintain the pension and it's cost of living increases for those who really need it then its best for everyone.





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Hi. I was only thinking of anyone who is just looking for best deal and isn’t bothered with all the details and points or rewards are not relevant. 

CTRC mandate allows anyone to have a modest $15 phone plan and your point is so good as any one struggling financially, has a job or not, needs a phone, and needs every dollar for food or bus fare then the points are not an attraction but lowest payment is. 

@darlicious @Anonymous 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

CountyDownleUK I couldn't have said it better myself.... Not including millionaires even if you're not on a fixed income saving a couple bucks is always preferred so you are able to stretch out every penny in order to get as much as possible for your money (Unless you are a millionaire or billionaire) but millionaires don't count and are not included in this topic at the moment lol 😂

The money you save, even if it's only a few bucks can be saved up or put towards other needs 

Mayor / Maire

Good morning. Keep in mind all $15 plans need to meet or exceed the CTRC mandate as per below. From what I understand the PM $15 plan does not really require you to be on auto-pay to be able to receive the 250mb of data.





So I have revised my $2 thought to a $1 and $2 thought. Reason being is that some people are not interested in rewards or points programs and will compare plans by what’s in them and the upfront cost. This is my thought for the new customers on the points program, that I know will never happen, to offer $1 off the $15, $25 and $35 plan for autopay and give an additional 250gb of data AND for the $40 plan and up offer $2 off for autopay and and additional 250mb of data.


And since some of us take some things for granted and have not made any comparisons......

Some things that PM should do some horn tooting on is:

30 day payments are taken from balance first

Add ons never expire until used up (excluding the “while in USA” add ons)

They offer “while in USA” add ons

Have a variety of LD add ons

Points program

Points program offers lower priced add ons




Customer service is all online and is fair. 

My experiences as a tier one service customer with Bell......PM customer service is excellent. 

Not applicable

 @Camera4617 : Really? I _just_ reviewed them both again before posting. And reviewed again in disbelief and there it is. You're right. How did I miss that? 🙂 I assumed it was with the line saying 100 minutes Canada-wide that it was the same as before. Click on details and there it is.


Yup. I'm on the $10 plan. (x3)

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Anonymous Lucky has changed those 100 minutes to be outgoing and unlimited incoming minutes on $15 plan. I do agree with you about PM still being better place (at least for my needs). 

Not applicable

Nope. I still think this place is better on the budget plan. Key for me is non-expiring add-ons and the rewards.


Lucky - same price $15, same data 250MB, Edit: same kind of minutes but total 100 minutes not 100 outgoing thanks daki28, add-ons are only good until the next renewal and you can't get more data on this plan, same no pay per use, they do have the unlimited throttled data, they do appear to have call in support - no mention of fees, monthly renewals, no rewards


Chatr - same price $15, same data 250MB, same kind of minutes, they do include pay per use international calling, they do have other pay per use charges, they do offer pay per use roaming, add-ons are only good until the next renewal, fee to call human support after activation, monthly renewals, no rewards

Mayor / Maire

Yah.....and was doing a blown up...poof gone.....during the repositioning  process. 

Mayor / Maire


Lol...I win!





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Mayor / Maire


I agree with your statement. The $2 autopay reward is standard for third tier providers albeit with conditions at the other providers. The savings on the autopay reward being removed from new pm plans pale in comparison to the savings from the adjusted loyalty rewards to points program.


Or at the very least offer an increased autopay data bonus of 250mb to those registered for autopay that has basically a $0 net cost to the bottom line. The extra data would then make pm's plans more competitive than the competitions plan offerings.


Wagers on how long this takes to get moved to the lounge.....if it hasn't already? You should have asked a question?!! .....that requires!





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Mayor / Maire

Hi @CountyDownIeUk   Yes, I look at the plans between PM and Lucky and Chatr, they are pretty much same price.  But with the Autopay $2 and the Loyalty rewards, they are a great discount by comparison.  


Rewards points? They are not as attractive as they are not a immediate saving.  


But of course, the move to Public Points is to save PM money and not to try to attract customers.  It is cost saving move and not a revenue generating move.

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