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Netlive - any good?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

An ad for a company called Netlive showed up on my Facebook news feed.  Has anyone looked into this company?  Any good?  They are advertising 4G service with unlimited Canada wide "unlimited DIGITAL voice & texting" calling for similar prices & similar amounts of data.  Will PM respond to these offers in kind?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have had a phone and internet with Netlive for over almost 3 yrs with No problems whatsoever. The service and price, both,  have been great.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

So far, if I wanted more speed, I'd lean towards PC Mobile. Not sure if that's the best / cheapest amongst 4G providers or what. I haven't researched it too much.


I skimmed thru the terms and conditions. The $5 charge is if you want phone support otherwise its online support. I commented on calling/texting using data in the sense of comparing pm and netlive's $15 plans :


  • Netlive : $15/250mb 4 G LTE data....all services use data (approx. 0.5mb=1 min of calling) ie 100min=50mb, texting=? but minimal amounts of data so you could say for $15/200mb of 4G data and 100 minutes +$2.95/911 fee
  • PM : $15/250mb of 4G LTE data throttled to 3mbps, 100 outgoing minutes, unlimited incoming minutes, international texts + no extra fees, overages, includes 911 charge.

There is no real advantage to the $15 or the $20 plan in my opinion....the $25/2gb could be attractive to those in that monthly data usage range with the need for higher data speed.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@darlicious so every plan you have to pay an additional $7.95 on top of whatever the advertised cost is????? I didn't see anything of that nature mentioned anywhere on the website that I was looking at, except the $2.95 E911 charge on the free local calling plan. I assumed that only applied to this supposedly free calling plan. Though I did see mention of a $55 activation fee in the phone sales page, which is an odd place to find that charge (implying you have to pay an activation fee if you buy a phone from them???).


The part about calling using your data obviously depends how much you use your phone for calls. I usually don't make more than an hour of calls per month with my phone (in or out) so I doubt that would be a problem if I ever signed up with a provider like that.


This isn't that good of a deal.....since your calling comes out if your data plan along with everything else your service uses the mid-range 2gb package for $25 is okay but the only advantage is full speed 4G LTE that's on the rogers need to pass a credit check, set a credit card up for pre-authorized payments, have a $20 top up balance for long distance calls, $2.95 a month for 911, $5 a month for call support.......the list goes on. Just rogers in a not so clever cloak.



Internet services from fongo are only available in Ontario and Quebec @bluejaywpg is a little farther west than their services reach.

@bluejaywpg  100mb is about 200 minutes with VOIP. I couldn't find any info on Netlive cellular service just home internet. Their phone service is VOIP.


Check out Fongo offers for cellular data, VOIP, and home internet. I have a Fongo number as emergency backup over wifi, tried out their cellular service (fine on Rogers backbone) and just converted to their $50 DSL service. For our invoice crazy colleagues both cellular and home internet are invoiced before payment taken - only autopay is accepted.

Free services:

Cellular data:

Home internet:

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New in Town / Nouveau en Ville

I have had a phone with netlive for over a year with No problems what so ever. I have been late on a couple of payments and they worked with so I could get caught up with them. The service has been great.

I have internet with them and got the lowest costing and I regret that the service is to slow for me. I moving up to the next level I'm sure it will be much better for me. I had no problems 😊 moving up a level. I will let you know if it is better.

Thank you


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Netlive is continuing to advertise on Facebook. And I think, based on the footnotes at the bottom of 1 of the Netlive pages, that indeed talking consumes data.  I have no idea how much data is consumed by a typical 1 hour long call. If it's say 100 MB, I could probably live with that.  But I doubt it's going to be anywhere near that small.  And I don't do very many calls per month either - I mostly talk to my dad & that's about it beyond the oddball call here & there.

So unless one does no more than say a few minutes of calls per month, I cannot see how this would be worth it - especially for the lowest plan.  Better off sticking with PM.

*Unlimited calling and texting up to data limit on plan.  

*Calls are made using the Netlive App.



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@srlawren Yeah I have no clue either. Analog voice service over cellular is pretty much gone here in Canada. 


You might be right. It could be a VoIP service over its mobile data network kinda like fongo. 


I am personally not a fan of using VoIP apps to call and especially text. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@BearFBI wrote:

@bluejaywpg Interesting. I wonder what they mean by "Digital voice". Too bad PM cant offer similar plans.

@BearFBI good question.  I would expect that in 2020, you're not going to find any analog voice service (which would basically be....GSM?  or perhaps older (TDMA/CDMA?)).  Maybe they mean that it's an over-the-top VoIP service over mobile data rather than 3G voice or VoLTE?

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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@bluejaywpg Interesting. I wonder what they mean by "Digital voice". Too bad PM cant offer similar plans.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle





Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@bluejaywpg What are their plans like ? I cant get the webpage to load.


@bluejaywpg wrote:

An ad for a company called Netlive showed up on my Facebook news feed.  Has anyone looked into this company?  Any good?  They are advertising 4G service with unlimited Canada wide "unlimited DIGITAL voice & texting" calling for similar prices & similar amounts of data.  Will PM respond to these offers in kind?


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