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Existing User, Senior Citizen on fixed budeget: Wish to change to the boxing day 4GB, $24 plan.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Can anyone at Public help with this???  I would like to switch to boxing day 4GB, 4G plan........ I see there are other companies that offer great specials.  Mine is somewhat outdated, as such --- Air Canada offers Bell Canada through Lucky Mobile is even less at 3GB for $20.00.   I am not a big GB user but sometimes find 1 gb, and 3G speed too little.

Thank you


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

They are so incredibly hard to reach at public so it has been frustrating for me.....and i dont need mega data....just a bit more than 1 slow GB.  The unfortuate here is there is nothing in between $20'ish and almost double

@irenasirena  So you been with public mobile since 2018 ? If so yes you get $7 off your bill every 30 days ? Because if you wait till another plan like then40GB for $34 with $7 off you pay $27 for the plan . Or right now you can get 60GB for $40 with your $7 off that’s $33 for even more data and at 5G speeds virgin and Fido will only offer you 4G speeds . Check your payment page do your rewards look like this for loyalty and subscription




Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I believe i have rewards, so i am not sure i understand what you mean.....I have $7.00 in rewards.....

Are you on the points rewards or old $ rewards . TIFF to give up those old rewards if on points like the account I changed the i don’t see it as a loss . But I wouldn’t give up on the old rewards if you have those 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Well, atleast you stuck with Public....good for you.  I have just been informed that for $29 I can switch to either Virgin or Fido.  Both of these would provide Canada wide etc, but also 50GB of data at a substantial upgrade.  I think we will make the switch, sadly.....

@eyesaccount I replaced was just on points system so no loss there 

Couldn't agree with you more! 👏 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sure they can!   That’s why the competition is so fierce.  All these companies want our business.  I’m happy to switch.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for letting me know you’re just another customer.  What a ridiculous business practice to not support its existing customers.  I’d rather spend time and money switching carriers than  “jump through hoops” to cancel my existing plan to then switch to another plan w same carrier

Mayor / Maire

Please note all responses received here are from paying customers like yourself. 

There are no public mobile staff on this. This is a public forum with long, loyal customers like you. 

We also want the plan, but like you because we are old long time loyal customers  we cannot get it.

@PublicJ  I couldn’t agree with you more .unfortunately this is how it is . And note I’m just a customer like you trying to help I had to bite the bullet and create a new account yesterday to get the new 50GB for $34 plan myself . Only way to ensure I get the plan 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

If this response is from a Public Mobile staff member, the answer is shameful.  It takes more time and money for a business to attract new customers than keep existing.  During a time of year when the cell phone companies are so competitive, does it not make more business sense to offer the promotion to keep your existing customers instead of having them leave to go to a competitor?   Hopefully Public will quickly reconsider its policy or risk losing more than one customer.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The plan is nice, but it is for new customers only. The only way to get it would be to start a new service with a fresh SIM and phone number. Then you can cancel the old one. With other companies, be aware that some do not offer roaming outside of Canada. Some don't care, until they go on vacation.

Mayor / Maire

@irenasirena  Sorry the 4GB for $24 is just for new activations only . Existing customers can’t get this plan . Hopefully this will change some point . Just have to keep an eye on website or here in community for the latest offers 

Mayor / Maire

Unfortunately, there is no ' senior citizen ' plan. We all pay the same regardless. 

That plan is as stated for new accounts only.

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