05-27-2021 04:49 PM
How much more obvious does it need to be to clearly demonstrate that the CRTC has the big 3 in their pockets.
06-11-2021 05:27 AM
We need a revolt/reset. Whichever works best
06-01-2021 04:06 PM
@Anonymous Point was, they do these investments without us needing it and raising the plan costs. As a consumer, I dont need 5G or any other investment. Or most of us dont. If you, as a xompany, need to make that investment to serve the bussines community, use part of your profits and maybe, raise the cost to the bussines people. But not a default increase to everyone, just so you can keep the profits intact and make the CEOs richer and shareholders.
06-01-2021 03:26 PM
@EltonB wrote:@Anonymous not what my point was 😀
Hmm. I thought you were talking about mob protection rackets. Pay us and nothing will happen to your store. Your store gets ransacked. See you shoulda paid us. When of course it was them that did the ransacking.
06-01-2021 03:16 PM
@Anonymous not what my point was 😀
06-01-2021 03:11 PM
@EltonB wrote:But its not far off a gang mentality or the mob who demands you to pay for protection of your store.
This is what I think of whenever I get those constant Telus emails trying to sell me their security stuff. Then something happens to you and you're scrambling to get everything back to normal and they come back and say see...bet you wished you'd bought our security stuff now eh...sucks to be you eh. Told ya so.
06-01-2021 02:57 PM
And you wouldn't know anything about using a system for your own gain? Hypocrisy at its best.
06-01-2021 02:27 PM
@will13am Big telecoms are acting like gangs in Canada. They are announcing big investment and to recoup the cost, they bring plan increases, without touching their profits at all because CEOs want to get those big bonuses.
No, nothing you said was illegal but its an iasue to be frawn upon by the little guy on main street. Yes, its legal for the big 3 to do that. But its not far off a gang mentality or the mob who demands you to pay for protection of your store.
Its same mentality in the saying life isnt fair, just because it serves to the rich keep their position on the top.
Nothing personal @will13am 😀
06-01-2021 02:16 PM
06-01-2021 02:06 PM
@will13am Sure. A gang in your neighbourhood is killing people. But hey, you cant beat them. So join them and kill more people; dont get mad 🤔
05-28-2021 03:03 PM
Don't get mad, get even. Buy telecom stocks. 😁
05-28-2021 02:12 PM
Same old, same ol'...... 🙄 😡
05-27-2021 09:51 PM
@Anonymous It's just brutal. We'll continue to get robbed by the telcos in Canada land and our government won't do anything about it.
05-27-2021 07:33 PM
@EltonB : let alone irony...I wonder if it would get censored. But I've said things up in the main forum that haven't been. So whatever.
05-27-2021 07:04 PM
@Anonymous Yea, whats new. You are commenting on a Telus company site anyways. The irony 😀.
05-27-2021 06:38 PM
Wow, how frustrating!!!!!