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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Already exists

what I as a customer would like to see is a application of public mobile for phones. Where you can easily accessed your account on the go without going to internet searching the site and loging in. Also in this app customer could easily top up with their debit/ credit cards. This idea will be more practical for those who are contanstly on their cell, and with one click can accessed their accounts

New in Town / Nouveau en Ville

Also, to make communication easier with the community, maybe we could come up with a Messenger type plattform, which would allow us to stay in touch even while on the go...  

Mayor / Maire

I think PM will eventually summon an app soon, before Kylo Ren completes his training

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It would be awesome to have a Public Mobile mobile app which provides the same or similar features available through Self-Serve. 

Mayor / Maire

Believe me, This was widely suggested, and I think it may happen, hopefully soon, at a theater near a U. Lol. Anyways, keep up the good work

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

This might take a while. I hope they do something about the receipt though

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

 Hi @iamnopreacher.  There is an existing idea in the labs with (currently) 25 up-votes:  it seems to be the most highly-supported of the many App suggestion threads in the community.  Would you (and anyone reading this and wanting to support the idea of PM providing a mobile app) please consider up-voting that thread as well (or instead)?  

Status changed to: Brand new
Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hey @Rick,


Thanks for your idea(s)!


Self serve app - An app has been submitted as an idea before on the Public Lab. It's something we're looking into but won't be able to deliver for the next few months or more.


Data notifications - We currently send an SMS to customers when they've used up 75% and 95% of their data.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I set up both my parents with public mobile recently. Set then up on the cheapest 90 day plan and gave them each a 1gb add-on and 400 mins international calling. Unfortunately, there are two accounts since you can't have multiple people on the same account and they're not great on the internet anyways and logging in to check their usage would then fall to me. If they each had an app to keep track of usage, it would be ready enough for them to do it themselves.

So when you guys get to building the app, can you please include data usage, data left in the plan, amount of add-ons left all in one page/tab that is easy to read for non tech savvy people. Another tab with current plan features and possibly the ability to switch plans right in the app if possible. Also ability to purchase add ons on the app would be nice.

Alarms would also be nice if you could set them in the app. Like be able to set a warning where if you're getting close to your daily or weekly or monthly or term limit. The warning could change dynamically. Like day you're on a 90 day plan and you've already used half your data but you're only 10 days in (oops), and you set a daily warning if you're going to go over your data, app would calculate you have say 500Mb left, 80 days in the term you have 6.25 mb per day on average. So if you set a warning to go if if you use up 100% of your daily average, you would get a warning after 6.25mb. Conversely if you were on vacation and hadn't used any data yet and only 10 days left in the term, the same daily earning would not go off till you hit 100mb.

I don't know if any company that has such a feature in their app. Would be a nice seeking point for new customers i think.

It would also be nice if the app could tell you what your current rewards are.

Thanks for your consideration.
Mayor / Maire

I also believe @Igor_M also mentioned that was in their todo list, but not in immediate vicinity, but hoping it happens sometime

Mayor / Maire

@Mixam This idea has already been discussed before:


It bears mentioning that ALL the self-serve functionality IS in fact available to use on a phone today! It's just inconvenient to use and not nice to look at, because PM has not made their self-serve website mobile-responsive in design.


Which is exceedingly stupid/myopic for a wireless carrier IMHO, but whatever...

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