I recently asked about porting in a second line to my PM account and was surprised to discover this isn't supported. Apparently I'm not the first to ask for this either, however it was suggested that I post this here for consideration.
I think it would be nice to have the same pool for phones to come off of (either financially or data/long distance). If I ever decide to switch my wife over the feature would be great.
Charanth182, Are you thinking of switching your wife because of marital discord? Counselling has been known to help. Try it before deciding to switch her. OK?
its ran what i can tell as the same as koodo's prepaid accounts. I like it but thats just my personal opinion. Now if i wanted a second line on pm for convience I would agree though having it all in one would be easier.
Good idea, but not really that difficult to get all the email addresses one might want to set up individual accounts. Just really aggravating if you needed mor than 2-3.
Even speakout7eleven has this feature and you can keep their accounts alive for just $25/year.