As mention in another threat if Public Mobile is to make a retail launch it should be with a company the supports their orgianal concept of a no frills cell phone cell phone provider, so it they enter into retial it would be more approate to go with a company like No Frills. Base on CRTC Public Mobile when being purchase by Telus was partly to deal with being own, operated and branded as a Canadian company. The should attempt to keep or increase their Canadian brand by having any retail launch be associated with a Candain Company such as one owned by Loblaws or with their parent or sister ograntations Telus or Koodo. With the parent or sister organatation might be involve more or better service and help and might be a transition into being megred with one of these organations which might be the end game of Telus owning Public Mobile as it was when purchased organized as a test or beta of the market. Which might be the case but I like most appose as I beleive Public Mobile should be their low end provider with Koodo and Telus servicing the middle and high-end markets which has been proven successful for several companies with in Canada. Including Chatr, Fido and Rogers Virgin Mobile and Bell and No Frill, SuperStore and Loblaws. Public Mobile should go back to its roots offering good rely able sercive with no frills at affordable prices and keep it Canadian.