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Mayor / Maire
Status: Brand new
Bit of a funny backstory on this one. I had requested assistance through Public community. Now even though I was checking my notifications each day & could see updates to threads I posted in & actions (bravo etc) I realized the private message indicator is not located in same place. So I request that if you check notifications on these message boards ALL notifications should be grouped together. And the tiny private message icon should really be more prominent.
Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Actually this is a good idea, or at least make the private message link/indicator larger and more prominently placed.  For anyone new to the community and needing to receive a PM from one of the community moderators, for example, it's current presentation is not very discoverable!  It's only once you've used it before that you can easily locate it again.


@kav2001c You can also request copies of Private Messages be emailed directly to you in your account settings.

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