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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Brand new

There have been a number of threads around adding international roaming (a great idea). Coming from Telus, it's the one piece I miss now that I'm with PM. I travel outside of Canada/US about once a year and it's nice to have the peace of mind that I can be reached in an emergency. I don't typically use talk or data when travelling internationally, just want to be reachable.  


As a stop-gap, could PM offer inbound text messages while roaming internationally? This would at least allow people to communicate with us while travelling outside of Canada/US (eg. "Your house is on fire, the dog is vomiting") in emergency situations. Outbound we would still need to revert to using VoIP, Wi-Fi or some other mechanism until a full international roaming solution is available.


From a competitive perspective, Chatr offers international roaming on prepaid solutions (pay per use) as does Wind - would gladly spend a few dollars (pay per use) for the peace of mind.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@yyzguy unfortunately I haven't heard anything more about this.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Any moderator have any comment? With PM's competitors offering this, seems like the technology is available to do this. Would put PM back on the same footing as Koodo, Chatr, Freedom and Fido (in addition to Big 3 obviously).


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