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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Brand new

I was just thinking it would be a great idea to have a warning or something as a pop-up or otherwise indicated when people with older AutoPay setups configure their plan to change as of their next billing date.


I ran into a situation where I changed my plan as of my next billing date, and I expected AutoPay to take out whatever it needed for the new plan, but it was still stuck on the $45 debit for my old plan, so it flipped me to the new plan but since I didn't have enough in the account to pay for it my service was "Expired" and it made for a more stressful than necessary morning.


It could really be made clearer to folks on the old AutoPay that they need to cancel and re-enroll to smooth their plan change transition, since I bet a lot of us will be moving to the new 90 day plans.

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired




Mayor / Maire

That's Info that's crucial

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