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"ZIP code does not match billing address" with Money Withdrawn from my account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi There,


I just made another payment to buy a SIM card. After the payment was processed and taken from my bank account, this Screen below appeared, saying the "ZIP code does not match billing address". This is the second time I have tried using your service and the second time money has been taken out of my account with the same "reason" and no confirmation and no money returned.


This might be a glitch in your system and it would be great if you guys checked it out. I have attached a screenshot of the money being withdrawn from my bank account.


Please check this out. 


Screen Shot from Payment pageScreen Shot from Payment pageBank WithdrawalBank Withdrawal


@OnyiAnoz wrote:

No I didn't receive Order Number

@OnyiAnoz  If you did not receive an order number via email then more than likely what you see on your cc are holding charges and they should go away. If not then submit a ticket to PM for a refund. 

@OnyiAnoz hi did you check your junk email for an order number or confirmation?

Mayor / Maire

Since you have problems ordering directly from PM  @OnyiAnoz use

If you order on Sunday you can use this  code to get 40%OFFSUNDAY to get an additional 40% off.  Stay safe. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

No I didn't receive Order Number

Mayor / Maire

@OnyiAnoz  Did you receive an email from Public Mobile with an order number?

Mayor / Maire

You will need to contact a moderator for assistance:


Please use the chatbot SIMon to help you solve your issue. If SIMon cannot solve your issue then you have the option to contact a moderator.


Step 1: Choose the ? button at the right bottom corner of this page or choose “Get Help” at the top of the page and then choose the “Chat with SIMon” button.


Step 2: Tell SIMon what the issue is and see if he can find a solution for you.


Step 3: If Simon cannot find a solution then type in “moderator” to connect to a Public Mobile customer service representative.


Step 4: Simon will present you with two choices. Choose “Account-specific question”


Step 5 Then choose “No, I want a human”


Step 6 Create your ticket


Check the sent folder to make sure your ticket was sent (envelope icon, top right) and the inbox for a reply from the moderators.

Mayor / Maire

@OnyiAnoz Hello you should speak to a moderator you can do so by clicking on the? Bottom right hand corner and Ask Simon the bot to speak to a human then he will create a ticket for you to speak with the moderator they will address your issue good luck

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