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payment twice

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I did double payment by accident and I need refund of it. how can i do plz


Mayor / Maire


The extra payment will remain in your account as a credit to apply to your next month payment.

It normally takes about 30 days to get your refund so it is not worth trying to get a refund.

Mayor / Maire

As long as it is showing in available balance the prevailing opinion here would be to leave it there. It will cover your next renewal and your card will be safe from PM's hands until July lol


@amirGh   PM is a Prepaid provider and usually do not provide refund. 


Do you see the money sitting as Available Fund, if so, you money is safe there.  You can leave it there for next renewal


If you really want to try to ask for a refund, you can open a ticket with PM Support.  Not that it likely will take 2 weeks for the money to go back to your credit card


To open ticket with PM:

1. If you have access to My account: At

Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗" 

2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with Chatbot: Private message CS Agent at:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply you there



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