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new phone number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i changed my phone number because I've been getting so many spam calls.  I did it a couple hours ago, but now trying to update all my places with the new number, its saying its sending the code to the new number, but I'm not getting any of them.   This is complicating things for me.   Can somebody give me any answers or suggestions

This is bad


Mayor / Maire

@blueyes97777  In your account profile page . “Manage ever safe “ ensure the number is updated there and you will get the code sent to new number . Might also need to reboot your phone aswell 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Sometimes whenever you port or change a phone number services take a couple of days to transfer over. You will have to wait 2-3 days for services like banking, etc to work.

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