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keeping loyalty and pre authorized dollars when changing over to 4g

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

When I go to change plan it states.  "After changing your plan, you will lose your current promotion."  Is this refering to loyalty and pre authorized $$ or other promotions given to me in the add ons.  extra data and minutes.  Very confused.


Mayor / Maire

If you signed up using a data promotion then changing plans between 3G speed or 4G would lose that data promo. If you stay above the price threshold of the promo then you should be able to keep it. Other than that, all other features will carry over.

Mayor / Maire

@sue-s hi all it means is if you had a current promo of 2gigs a month for 6 months or something like that you will lose it,you will not lose loyalty or anything like that 

Mayor / Maire

Your REWARDS (which are Not promotions) are tied up with your account, not plan.

Switching plans will not affect nor you will lose Any of rewards (referrals, loyalty, etc.).

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@sue-s loyalty etc won’t be affected.. some promotions may be.. depending which ones you received and for what

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