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incorrect number given when activating

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
I activated my phone with the last 4 digits incorrect they are actually my husbands last 4 digits, but not the first seven Can i somehow change my number to the number i had with my last phone provider? Pain if I have to let everyone know its changed  

Mayor / Maire

@Lorraine3 wrote:
I activated my phone with the last 4 digits incorrect they are actually my husbands last 4 digits, but not the first seven Can i somehow change my number to the number i had with my last phone provider? Pain if I have to let everyone know its changed  

@Lorraine3  You can port in your old number from your previous provider. 

Be sure to note the best practices below to ensure a smooth process:

    1. Only the authorized account holder can transfer a number.
    2. You cannot transfer numbers between Public Mobile accounts.
    3. Your previous account must be active in order for the number transfer to go through. Once the transfer is complete, it will be automatically deactivated from your previous service provider.
    4. Double check your old account info, as it needs to be correct in order for your number transfer to complete. Here’s the information you’ll need: Account Number, Name and Phone Number  with previous provider.
    5. To complete your port-in request, click this link and type in “port request” to be put in touch with a Moderator.  Include the info from step 4.


Hope this helps!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Lorraine3 wrote:
I activated my phone with the last 4 digits incorrect they are actually my husbands last 4 digits, but not the first seven Can i somehow change my number to the number i had with my last phone provider? Pain if I have to let everyone know its changed  

Are your husband and your number in the same account?

If yes, you husband's number was canceled.  Don't port your number to your PM account.  Otherwise your husband number will be gone forever.  It is better to create a moderator support ticket to a push your husband number back to your last provider and port your number to PM.  I am not sure that PM moderator can get your husband's old plan back.


Create a moderator support ticket for help using this link
1. Tell SIMon what is the issue (important) - "wrong number was ported to PM"
2. Ask for "moderator"
3. SIMon will give your 2 choices. Click on the "Account-specific question"
4. Then, click on "No, I want a human"
5. Click "Submit a ticket"
6. Follow instruction to create support ticket.
7. After submitted a ticket, members should check their private message SENT folder for their ticket which they just created.
If you cannot find your ticket in your SENT box, You did not create your support ticket yet. Also monitor your INBOX for any reply from moderator.
Click the envelop icon at the top right corner to access your private message mailbox.

You can also enable email notification after receiving a private message at your INBOX.
My settings --> PREFERENCES --> Private Messenger --> enable "Receive email notifications for new private messages' --> Save


Mayor / Maire

@Lorraine3  as long as your old providers account is still active( not active you would have  to reactivate and get it back to port it), you can port/ transfer your number over. Contact the moderators and ask them to port it for you. Type " Port Request " and follow the prompts to get to one. Give them the name on the account,  the number to port and the old providers account number. There are 2 ways to contact the Moderator Team:

  • Faster response- Get help with your account the easy way by starting a conversation with our virtual assistant, SIMon. It’ll take you to relevant help articles, or if it’s something more urgent, it can help you submit a ticket to the Moderator Team. Click here to get started.
  • Slower- Alternatively, you can send a private message to the Moderators by clicking here. You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work.

Once connected to Simon, you will be asked to log in again with your community user name and password.  Please do, this allows you to continue and send your message.
- Check your private message sent box (click on the envelope top right of your screen) to make sure the message was sent.

- Keep an eye on the envelope top right of your screen.  The mods answer will show up there.  When it does, you will be asked to verify your self service account, with your password and login. Doing so allows the process to continue. Stay safe. 

Welcome to PM .

Mayor / Maire

@Lorraine3 contact customer support here

make sure to check your inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically, for a message


Moderators are available from Monday to Friday from 8AM to Midnight EST and from Saturday and Sunday from 8AM to 10PM EST

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