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data Sony Xperia 3 Phone

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi I have a data plan with lots of room, My phone is a Sony Xperia 3.

My data has stopped working- I  can not access the internet via my phone

I can make calls. when I try to go on line

it says I am off line and try

turning off Aeroplane mode- i  have done that

turning on Mobile Data or WiFi-  works on wifi but not Mobile data- it appears on

checking signal in area- i have all bars and can make calls


really frustrating can someone help


@trevorBraun  sometimes, an os update of setting change on your phone can cause it too.

I know shouldn't be disappear but good part is all back to working condition now
Maybe network setting got reset some how
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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thanks that worked when I inputted all of those settings, Why would they have disappeared? and stopped working?

Mayor / Maire
Here's a Xperia 3 apn location link

And here's the public mobile apn setting
Once you double check your phone is unlocked here's a link where you can get all apn setting click on the link to get details

** I am not a Mod, please do not include any private info in a private message to me.**

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ifound APN and its Public Mobile 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

what where do I find APN? I see Internet Settings and I click that- it says it will connect to internet and nothing happens.  It was working fine a few days agoa



Have you checked the APN settings to make sure they are correct?  Checked that mobile data is enabled and that the data meter is set above the current usage value. 

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