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changing subscription

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

if I change my subscription before the renewal date in October, will I be reimbursed the pro-rated difference?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

thank you for your answer! 🙂

Mayor / Maire

no reimbursement for early plan change before end of the current cycle

So, it is better to use Change on Renewal for plan change.  But if you already used up all the data, then yes, you might want to use Change Now option.  And if that is the case, you already used up data, so you didn't lose much even without reimbursement

Mayor / Maire

Good Morning @alexBozheva 

No, you will lose it. This is pre paid service meaning you pre pay for what you want. This is why it is always best to do it on RENEWAL date. Unless there is an urgent need for data or something and you see the value in changing and don't mind losing whatever you already paid to get that data.

Mayor / Maire

@alexBozheva No you will not. Better to select change at next renewal.

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