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call to UK not connected

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Recent calls to a number in UK that belongs to a friend of mine result in an automated message that the number dialed is "within a number range that has been blocked for security reasons". Tried once last week and again this week, with same result.  End of message said that for more information I should call Telus 611, or *611 from a mobile phone, or contact my long distance provider.  All of this I have done, to no avail. I asked another friend who lives in the UK to call the number and she got no such message, so the problem is obviously at this end.  Telus has been of no help at all. Can anyone tell me what is going on here and how to correct whatever the problem is?  Sooner rather than later please.  


@darlicious   yes, I recall the follow up question couple months ago about calling British Airway and it works when I call  🙂


So apparently, Telus family will "randomly' block these calls for security reason?  I wonder what the security issue is.  Example in that thread was a BA hotline, what security issue would it be?   I wonder if other providers have similar practice and what is their reason to block or unblock the number.


This thread, like many others, there are more replies than follow up from OP.  I hope OP would come and tell us what kind of number he is calling .If it is a business number, hope he can share and we can all test it for him.  🙂  . it is still a mystery at the moment. 



Mayor / Maire

This is from the koodo community:


Hello, I tried contacting a government agency in Bolivia (long distance call), and I received an automated message from Telus indicating:

The number you have dialed is within a number range that has been blocked for security reasons.  If you require further assistance please contact Telus at 611, or *611 from your mobile phone, or contact your long distance provider.  Thank you from Telus.

The phone number I am trying to reach is legitimate, so how do I go about contacting this long distance phone number?


Best answer by Allan M

Certain numbers are blocked due to fraud prevention. You will have to contact koodo to request to see if the number can removed from the block list.


I asked and am still waiting for answer from the OP on whether this is a personal phone number as they have indicated in their original post. This is also from our own community with a CSA answering suggesting contacting them to resolve the issue.


So there you have it.

@Anonymous wrote:

 @CountyDownIeUk : Yowza. I was just chatting and going along. Then suggesting something explaining how I thought what I did. As did softech. No need to fly off the handle. My apologies if that was all somehow misunderstood.

No problem. I have a resolution that I will apply to all 3 of my accounts. It is easy to see that I have 3 user id’s here as I have 3 PM accounts. And am currently working with this one. And no, there is no self patronizing. 

Not applicable

 @CountyDownIeUk : Yowza. I was just chatting and going along. Then suggesting something explaining how I thought what I did. As did softech. No need to fly off the handle. My apologies if that was all somehow misunderstood.

@softech wrote:

I still hope OP would come back and give us hint on what number he/she is calling  I am still leaning on it's one of the special toll free number that not welcome  oversea calling.  

E X A C T L Y !

@Anonymous wrote:

 @CountyDownIeUk : Semantics eh. As we know from other regulars, they don't explain their thinking and how they got there. They just plunk down their copy/paste and walk away. Or a reason to suggest the idea. Not everybody. Not all the time. Not all cases. And I'm sure I'm just as guilty.
It just seemed like you were somehow divining that they were trying to call Ireland.
I might have said it as "In case you might be trying to call the Republic of Ireland..."

Carry on. 🙂


I was suggesting to the OP, not you, that a blocked UK number may have been dialled or if OP assumed that the Republic of Ireland was in the UK....that would be another reason why the call did not go through. Something wrong with that?? Jeepers!! And where is the OP? How dare I suggest something so stupid!! I guess you had a hard time with the logic of it all. 

I still hope OP would come back and give us hint on what number he/she is calling  I am still leaning on it's one of the special toll free number that not welcome  oversea calling.  

Not applicable

 @CountyDownIeUk : Semantics eh. As we know from other regulars, they don't explain their thinking and how they got there. They just plunk down their copy/paste and walk away. Or a reason to suggest the idea. Not everybody. Not all the time. Not all cases. And I'm sure I'm just as guilty.
It just seemed like you were somehow divining that they were trying to call Ireland.
I might have said it as "In case you might be trying to call the Republic of Ireland..."

Carry on. 🙂

@Anonymous wrote:

 @CountyDownIeUk : Where did you get Ireland from?

Since only part of Ireland is in the UK and some are poor on geography I thought since  the OP did not cover where in the UK they were calling there could have been 2 reasons why the call did no go through.  

1. Was one of the numbers that you cannot call

2. Was calling the Republic of Ireland that is not in the UK. But could have called Nothern Ireland that is in the UK. 


I was wondering about the Ireland part too.... 🙂

Not applicable

 @CountyDownIeUk : Where did you get Ireland from?


 @imilne : Yes, 011 or + first. Then the country code. Then the area code. Then the number. If there's a leading zero in front of these then don't dial it. (except 011)

Not applicable


*611 but there nothing to do for that, maybe you need to contact CSA,

but if you call UK from Canada,

  1. Step 1: Exit code – 011. Your international phone number should start with North America exit code 011.
  2. Step 2: Country code. Followed by United Kingdom Country code 44.
  3. Step 3: Area code and number. ...
  4. EXAMPLE: 011447xx xxx xxxx.

you can try reseat the SIM card and Make sure your phone is off before removing your SIM card,

1. power off your device

2. take out the SIM card,

3. waiting a 1 minute,

4. put it back and power on,


and do Rebooting your phone,

*what is mean for Rebooting the phone means to turn off your phone and turn it back on again.


and test it...


How To Contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent

What Ireland were you calling....only one is in the UK for UK LD? And look at the ToC for numbers that cannot be dialled. 


Calls made to numbers starting with the following six digit combinations are not included in US calling from Canada and will not be completed when dialled: 712-432, 605-562, 641-552, 605-475, 605-477, 712-775, 559-726. Calls made to numbers starting with the following UK codes are not included in UK calling from Canada and will not be completed when dialled: 4470, 44870-44879, 44843-44845.


What parts of Ireland are in the UK? Northern Ireland 

The Republic of Ireland, which is a sovereign country is NOT part of the UK. 





This is a personal number of a friend? Then you will have to contact customer support to see if they can unblock the number for you. Click on the chat bubble at the bottom right corner of your screen and type "unblock UK phone number" and human and follow the prompts to submit your ticket via Simple--Simon.


@imilne do you mind to share the number , at least the first couple digits and leave out the last 4 digit?


Some numbers like those 1-800 in US/Canada are "local" and toll-free only within US and/or Canada.  Long Distance to those 1-800 from another countries would not work.  Wonder if it is similar situation with the number you try to call


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