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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a problem when it comes to the last part of activating my card it gives me a 404 server error page. can someone help me?



To summarize....if your card was not charged and You must wait out the 50 minute session lock then follow these instructions:


  1. Clear your browser history and close all tabs.
  2. Reboot your device.
  3. Open one tab only in secret/incognito mode.
  4. Firefox, chrome or safari work best.
  5. Do not use back button
  6. Enter your referral code about halfway down the first activation page
  7. Do not use the apt/unit box in your credit card billing address details.
  8. Add any suite # to your street address. ie 101-123 1st AVE W YOUR TOWN, PROV,
  9. Do not add a space to the postal code. X0X0X0 not X0X 0X0.
  10. USE ALL CAPS if necessary. 

Mayor / Maire

Hello @thomasdussault ,


Yes, the website can be finicky sometimes. Try opening a tab in incognito mode and trying it. It is strange how doing this helps with these things sometimes.


Good luck - and Welcome!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville



I can understand your frustration with this. Can you try restarting your computer and give it a try again.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Before anything try logging in the new account you created. Verify and check your credit card to see if you have been charged. 


if not able to get in try logging from a different browser (chrome or something) clean your history and cookies


good luck

Mayor / Maire



If you need to go through the activation process again try the live chat service with a Public Mobile representative:

Mayor / Maire

@thomasdussault wrote:

I have a problem when it comes to the last part of activating my card it gives me a 404 server error page. can someone help me?

@thomasdussault  hi check to see if your credit card was charged  put sim in your phone to see if you have service if not you may need to wait an hour and try again after system resets 

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