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activate website down

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i ahve been trying to activate my sim card all day but wont work the site is down


@darlicious wrote:

@Alyssalovesugly  What browser are you using? Which other ones have you tried? Normally chrome and firefox work best. Use secret/incognito mode.

That, and what device are you trying to do this on? I sincerely HOPE you're NOT trying this on, for instance, Great Grandma's 10+ yr. old PC, running WindowsXP......

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have tried on literally every browser; Chrome, Firefox, Safari....all give me the blank white screen. Cache/downloads/browsing all clear. 

@Alyssalovesugly  I just tried with chrome and got the blank page. Firefox was fine earlier when i tried it.

@Alyssalovesugly wrote:

this does nothing! VERY dissappointed 

Assuming you're also talking about the topic of this thread(edit - ninja'd yet again!), I suggest you try some of the advice given earlier..... I JUST tried it with Firefox, and it worked fine here, although it wasn't working with FF when I tried it earlier.

@Alyssalovesugly  What browser are you using? Which other ones have you tried? Normally chrome and firefox work best. Use secret/incognito mode.

@Alyssalovesugly wrote:

this does nothing! VERY dissappointed 

@Alyssalovesugly   What does nothing?  Can you elaborate what you tried and what your issue is?   With a few more details someone here might be able to help you a little better.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes I am attempting to activate a sim card on behalf of my great grandmother who is 81 years old. I have cleared my cache, deleted browsing history, tried other browsers but I still just get the white blank page when I try to load this page for activation:

@Alyssalovesugly  Are you experiencing the same issue?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

this does nothing! VERY dissappointed 

@darlicious wrote:


I just went to get started....activate went straight to the activation page. Do you have a different computer you can Use?

I just tried that in Firefox, and got the blank, white page. Then I tried using Chrome, using Incognito mode, and got the same blank, white page. Then I closed Chrome's Incognito window, cleared the history, in Chrome's regular, non-Incognito mode, and tried again, and it went straight to the activation page.


As for this, "but every so often instead of a blank page i get a page saying "the darkfires terrorist network has hacked this, paypal $10,000 to to unlock it", @foxtrot16m  methinks you need to do a virus scan, and/or malware scans on that computer.


I just went to get started....activate went straight to the activation page. Do you have a different computer you can Use?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

tried that and as i said guy at store tried too so his computer always works but not now

Mayor / Maire

Try clearing your cache and cookies then reboot.  Also try another browser.

Mayor / Maire

@foxtrot16m  a PM  customer service rep is known as a moderator and can only be contacted through Autobot Simon, or via private message.  This whiteboard has been happening intermittently lately. So contact the moderators directly through private message here

And point this out to them.

@foxtrot16m wrote:

i ahve been trying to activate my sim card all day but wont work the site is down


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

the guy at the store was trying around 10am the site was down in the store

i have been trying since i got home using those sugestions with no luck but every so often instead of a blank page i get a page saying "the darkfires terrorist network has hacked this, paypal $10,000 to to unlock it

Mayor / Maire

@foxtrot16m wrote:

i ahve been trying to activate my sim card all day but wont work the site is down

@foxtrot16m can you try incognito mode/another browser or device? If doesn't work, wait a little bit and try again.

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