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Will we get refund if we move to other telephone provider before renew day ?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I contacted the customer agent recently and from the conversation, looks that we won't get refund in case we change other plan or move to other companies because my plan is prepaid.  So it might not be good place to answer the question, but hope somebody moved to other company and then transfer back to Public mobile and they will answer the question. 



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Change plan can be done on renewal date.  Now Public mobile provides the existing users promotion plan 20G/$29 due to huge compliant for moving new point system.  At the beginning, the customer agent told me that no refund if we change the plan and it could not be scheduled on renewal date, however, I tried it later yesterday, it can be scheduled. So most companies only consider more money to earn from us, but they don't consider our benefit!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

NO. No refund for you or anybody else. Period!

Mayor / Maire

@Stony wrote:

I contacted the customer agent recently and from the conversation, looks that we won't get refund in case we change other plan or move to other companies because my plan is prepaid.  So it might not be good place to answer the question, but hope somebody moved to other company and then transfer back to Public mobile and they will answer the question. 


Hey @Stony 

Public Mobile is a pre paid service. Meaning you pre pay for the 30 days of service. You and only you decide whether you wish to use the full 30 days. Usually when people are looking to port out to another service provider, we usually recommend waiting until a few days before your pre paid service expires because of course, to port your number over, you need an active account. So, in closing, no, there is no refund of service you do not use. 

Mayor / Maire

That's correct.  No credit provided  so best to port out maybe 1-2 days prior to renewal. Less funds to loose. 

Same for changing plans. Changing on Renewal. 

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