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Where do you find promo codes?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I see that I can add promo codes on my account. Where is a safe place to find promotional codes for public mobile?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have signed up for the contest. Best of luck to everyone as well.

The current "More is Merrier" promo will end on Dec 31 at 11:59EST.

If you haven't claimed it to do so soon.

@fricstix wrote:

How long do these promo codes usually last?

The durations are various but typically not long.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

How long do these promo codes usually last?

Not applicable

 @fricstix : There have been some unannounced promo codes found out there. But they're generally for new activations. Along with the diwali one recently there was another free data code.

There are lots of promo code sites but who knows if ones there are active until trying. Don't confuse a promo code with a referral code. That's a whole 'nother animal. Some of these places will say it's a promo code but it's merely the plain old referral code.


Very occasionally there will be a promotion that requires a promocode. The last one was the diwali promo but they are very uncommon. Maybe twice a year at most.

Mayor / Maire

The only promo codes I know of were part of new activation offers. All promos are usually posted in the "Announcements" section of this forum, and via the e-mail signup form on the public mobile homepage.

Mayor / Maire

For an existing account, the only promo's that I know of are on PM's Announcement section.

"More is Merrier" for example.

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