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Very slow speeds, possible throttling?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My speeds for LTE are barely 1 Mbs 

Im no where near my limit, wondering if its just because where I am?

Close to Steeles and Bramelea area


My buddy is on PM as well and is experiencing same issues here, so its probably not my device. 


Any idea?


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Edit: Ya something is wrong when your getting .04 Down and 5.0 UP. I dont believe its the towers so try your phone settings etc.


Try your sim in another phone and see if any difference.


Do you know the exact site you're connected to? I can ask Bell to look into it to see if there's any configuration issues.

Also, which speed test server are you using? The ping is extremely high for LTE.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ahh right, so no throttling

But, this is my work location. Its been like this since Tuesday August 29

Before that I was getting great LTE speeds

I still do get good speeds everywhere else

Its here where I have full bars, and slow speeds.

I did a test today in the morning at got some pretty bad speeds.Screenshot_2017-08-31-08-34-06.jpg

You're using Bell's towers in the GTA, and neither they nor Telus throttle any of the towers.

Have you ever gotten fast speeds at different locations? Perhaps your signal quality is poor at your location.


This is very likely to be a tower/reception related phenomena.  At work, I experience slow data with a particular tower that I can only connect on HSPA.  But then a different tower on the other side of the building works fine on HSPA.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I don't think I've can recall a time when seemed like my speed was so slow i thought they were throttling (i.e streaming radio didn't work or stuttering video).

Just did speedtest using PM LTE on 1 - 2 bars (weak reception at my house) & got 3Mbpds down & .3 up... wait that seems slow... let me re-test.. closer to window (2-3bar) 5.23Mbps down & 1.94 up.  

But as @imm1304 mentioned - several times over the past year some have noticed slower speeds & asked & PM Mods have advised they don't throttle & folks speeds have varied. SO much can effect it. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Could be the area maybe? Have you tried testing in other locations? I know for me personally, LTE speeds can be terrible depending on where I am. Generally speaking though my speeds are fine.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@VT12 wrote:

My speeds for LTE are barely 1 Mbs 

Im no where near my limit, wondering if its just because where I am?

Close to Steeles and Bramelea area


My buddy is on PM as well and is experiencing same issues here, so its probably not my device. 


Any idea?

Doubt it. I am getting 2 dots (Apple iPhone, so 2 out of 5) and I am getting 28 Mbps DL. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
I do not feel PM is throttling. I get very good speeds.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Hey @VT12,

We have concluded over the last year that there is no throttling of LTE data speeds on PM.

What you are experiencing could be due to isolated issue at the local tower where you are.  If thats the case, the speeds should go back to normal when you connect to a neighboring tower or when the issue is resolved by Telus.


Follow @neatooo's suggestion and send a private message to the mods to have them look into this for you.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Please contact the mods. Please include sim#, phone#, email used during activation, and detailed description of what happened.

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