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Uber app doesn't work because of a carrier issue

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi all,


I'm unable to login to the Uber app because of a "Network Error". I've gone through the troubleshooting with them and Uber tech support narrowed it down to:

"If you're seeing this issue on your cellular connection and not over WiFi, it's likely a carrier issue. If that’s the case, please call your cellular carrier directly to resolve this issue."

Has anyone else had this issue or know of a fix? Please let me know, thanks! I don't have any trouble receiving text messages, that's not the issue.


This isn't a carrier issue since you aren't able to connect through Wi-Fi either.  What Uber technical support pretty much said pretty much amounts to "try another internet connection". 


Cell phones are picky devices.  Bugs in software can cause an application not to work properly.   There are things both in a phone's built-in software and with the programming of a specific app that can cause havoc if they prove to be badly coded or incompatible.  Much of the time, you're at the mercy of both the device manufactuer or the developer of the app to release an update to address such issues.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Unfortunately, it doesn't work on WIFI or mobile data. All the other  apps seem to work fine off both. Thanks though

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yep, tried updating the app, restarting it, force stop/clear cache, restart, uninstall/reinstall, restart. Doesn't seem like cache issues, but thanks!

Mayor / Maire

@allenn does the app works fine when you are on wifi?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville



Have you tried clearing the app cache or reinstalling the app? 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Yes. All the other apps I've tried so far seem to work fine on mobile data.

I suspected as much. 🙂


Methinks Uber support is passing the buck on this one. Hope you get it working though!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes. All the other apps I've tried so far seem to work fine on mobile data.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Does mobile data work for other apps?



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks will13am. I also thought it would be really unlikely that this is a carrier network issue, especially as google searches or community searches don't produce any results but might as well ask anyways. I'll try it at another location and see how it goes.


I have to say this is the first time I have seen this discussed in this forum.  This applies to all apps requiring mobile data.  Try it at a different location, maybe a local or temporary network issue is causing this.  If this problem is real, it would affect around one third of cell users in this country.  

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