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Travelling out of Canada

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Need to keep account subscription and payment on hold/suspension due to international travel for about month or two. Actual travel dates and period of absence will be notified. Please let Public Mobile acknowledge and confirm. 



@dinkle1 , depending on the timing of your plan cycle, you might be able to save a little, maybe nothing.  Usually customers would downgrade to the lowest cost plan on next renewal when traveling and then change plans again after coming back.  This maneuver risk losing the existing plan if it is no longer being offered.  The lack of a plan pause makes it hard to really save anything.  A couple of days before travel, decide what is the best approach to take.   

Mayor / Maire


As posted by @hTideGnow you can unsubscribe from your plan to prevent your credit card on file from being charged to renew your plan subscription. However if you carry a positive account balance that equals or exceeds your plan amount the payment system will still deduct the funds to renew your plan subscription as it always takes from the account balance first at renewal and then uses autopay to  charge the payment card the remaining amount owing to renew.

If you do have an account balance that equals or exceeds your plan amount you will need to engage the lost/stolen feature in your account to suspend your services. This will take affect immediately and your phone will have no connection to the network. You must have your eversafe ID created so that you can send the 2FA code to your email when logging in to reactivate your account as you must unsuspend via lost/stolen first before paying to reactivate your plan/subscription.

Make sure you reactivate by day 88/89 at the latest. When they say reactivate before day 90 they mean it. Give yourself a couple of days leeway in case you run into a glitch (like eversafe) that prevents you from logging into your account and you need to contact customer support for help.

Mayor / Maire


You hve to manage your account yourself

before your trip start date, login your My Account, Payment, Manage Subscription and turn off "Subscribed".  The PM account will be suspended at the end of that cycle (not immediately), you can then come back and make a payment to resume service.   But reemmber you only have 90 days from first day of suspension to resume or your account will be closed 


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