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Transferring to new phone

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

We are having trouble transferring form a iPhone 5 to a iPhone 8 we purchased from public mobile


@Jaybud wrote:

I have no issues with transferring to a new phone I just take the sim outta my current phone slap it in the new one and carry on as normal 

Do you have an iPhone?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have no issues with transferring to a new phone I just take the sim outta my current phone slap it in the new one and carry on as normal 

Not applicable

 @Camera4617 : It's the amazing disappearing poster. Happens all the time. I think what happens is they get their answer and leave. Or go to the mods and leave. Or give up and leave.

So I don't really see the problem with everybody pitching in with their speculative answer.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Montcatt - Can you describe and provide details on what trouble you're having "transferring" from an iPhone 5 to 8? 


There are many possible problems and without further details, we're not sure what solution works best for your particular situation.  🙂

@Camera4617 wrote:

I wish these asks for help had some kind of template with necessary information. Just saying 'I need help' and 10 people trying to guess what a problem could be is really inefficient way to do things.. But, thats just me dreaming.. 

Good point!!! Perhaps the OP @Montcatt can be more explicit or respond. 


Of course googling before asking can help too.  SEE HERE


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I wish these asks for help had some kind of template with necessary information. Just saying 'I need help' and 10 people trying to guess what a problem could be is really inefficient way to do things.. But, thats just me dreaming.. 

@darlicious wrote:


A little more info is needed to help determine exactly what the issue is that you are having. You probably need to update the new phone by connecting to iTunes and check for any software updates. @AE_Collector or @LurganIeUk can offer iPhone advice...

There may be an issue as both phones are on different IOS. 


Assuming the new phone is in Hello status....ready to set up. And assuming you have a valid and working SIM card installed. 


There is a side by side option for the new phone to clone from the older phone. 


You can back up the iPhone 5 to iTunes and try to restore to the iPhone 8...and that is likely where you will get a message about the restore not working from a different IOS. 


You may have to set up the new phone and once you sign it on to your Apple account and do your settings to share contacts, notes, safari bookmarks etc etc. 


You may just have to reinstall your other APPS as every time you get a new version of IOS some or all apps will also have upgrade to the new IOS. And the iPhone 5 will have older version of APPS that match the older version of IOS. The iPhone 5 is stuck on an older version of IOS and cannot be upgraded. Say thank you, Apple!!


Am I on the right track??


Actually the SIM card is not an issue. But BOTH signed on to wifi will be required. 

Mayor / Maire

@Montcatt wrote:

We are having trouble transferring form a iPhone 5 to a iPhone 8 we purchased from public mobile

Hi @Montcatt the iPhone 8 you had purchased from Public Mobile came with a free sim card.  Remove this free sim card... you can keep it for emergency or give it to a friend as referral freebie. 


Remove the Public Mobile sim card from iPhone 5 and insert it to new phone.  Reboot.


If you have any other questions, please let us know.



(fellow customer)

I wonder if they activated the sim card that came with the phone and are trying to transfer their account to the new sim


A little more info is needed to help determine exactly what the issue is that you are having. You probably need to update the new phone by connecting to iTunes and check for any software updates. @AE_Collector or @LurganIeUk can offer iPhone advice...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If after trying what has been proposed you still need to seek help, contact the Moderators as it is a Public Mobile supplied device so it should be good to go when an active Public Mobile SIM card is placed in it...


To contact a moderator, there are 2 methods:


  1. Use the ticketing system for a faster response time. Click here and type moderator, then select contact us, then select you need a human now.  Follow the prompts to submit a ticket,  or, 
  2. Send a private message to the moderator by clicking here  You’ll need to be logged into your Community account for the link to work.


Watch for their response in your Community private mailbox which will be indicated by a number on the small envelope icon to the left of your Community avatar.



Mayor / Maire



Both SIM card slots should be Nano sized.


It should be a matter of sliding the SIM card out of the old iPhone and placing it in the new iPhone.


What, exactly, isn't working with the new one?


I'm assuming you've already completed the Activation process with the Public Mobile SIM card.   It is here,


Also try:


  • rebooting new device after inserting the activated PM SIM card
  • toggling airplane mode on/off
  • reset network settings


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