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Transaction History = $0 but I don't see a charge on my CC

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have AutoPay set up since September of 2018. I just received my Feb 4 - March 3, 2019 CC statement and noticed that the payment for my phone was not charged. When I look in my account transaction history on Public Mobile, I have a zero balance showing that I am Paid Up. 


I only Credit I have is the $2 for AutoPay and $1 for Referral.


I am worry that my account would be suspended due to non payment? What should I do?


@Sarlye wrote:

I have AutoPay set up since September of 2018. I just received my Feb 4 - March 3, 2019 CC statement and noticed that the payment for my phone was not charged. When I look in my account transaction history on Public Mobile, I have a zero balance showing that I am Paid Up. 


I only Credit I have is the $2 for AutoPay and $1 for Referral.


I am worry that my account would be suspended due to non payment? What should I do?

As Robert was telling you, your transaction history shows that you have already been charged and that it takes time for authorized credit card transaction to get changed to finalized/posted status.


As your plan renewed on March 2nd, there was never anything to worry about because the fact is that if you had not paid, you service would have already stopped working by now.  Public Mobile does not have any sort of payment vs. service grace periods.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Your card might show it in pending transactions already though. People sometimes forget to look there and just look at the statement or the posted transactions.



Your card was charged march 2nd


Your statement for credit card was march 3rd


It usually takes me 3-4 days for any credit card transaction to show up.


Everything is fine

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@RobertQc wrote:

Can you also post a screen shot of your self serve home page (without personal details) so we can see the dates listed on the account?


Transaction HistoryTransaction History

Mayor / Maire

Can you also post a screen shot of your self serve home page (without personal details) so we can see the dates listed on the account?



Mayor / Maire

@Sarlye wrote:

I have AutoPay set up since September of 2018. I just received my Feb 4 - March 3, 2019 CC statement and noticed that the payment for my phone was not charged. When I look in my account transaction history on Public Mobile, I have a zero balance showing that I am Paid Up. 


I only Credit I have is the $2 for AutoPay and $1 for Referral.


I am worry that my account would be suspended due to non payment? What should I do?

@Sarlye  I don't know your renewal date, it may be on your next credit card statement. Check your public mobile account history what day did it use the funds?


Can you post a screen shot of your public mobile account history (but blur out details)


Likely if you just had the renewal, it will be on your next cc statement

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