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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Trying to get my daughter an account and its taken x2 payments and a continuous error code of M8701

Now having to go through the credit card cancellation process because no one at PM is either able to help, willing to help or actually available to help. PM take the money then tell you there is a problem, yet the problem cant be addressed because no one is there to help or answer any questions.

PM is literally a scam where a service is offered, money is taken and then you cant reach anyone to actually get what you've paid for. Has been 7 days, one lost phone number, two payments and hours upon hours of wasted time. 

Awful company with zero morals or accountability. 


Mayor / Maire

If you ask your bank for chargeback you will be banned from PM. You will not be able to use credit card for a year or so.

Open a ticket or contact agent directly.  VERY SIMPLE.

To Contact CSA-agent:

Ticket has to be opened through chatbot -

Just type ‘ticket’ and follow prompts. Having a ticket is preferred way to contact agent as they might respond faster then receiving personal mail.

If opening a ticket does not work very first time, contact agent directly: send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking (Ctrl+) Here

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

For the record - This is JaimeLA08 parent and bill payer. And I am the OP.

FYI - Obvious frustration on this side and a flame response. I'm going through the responses and will definitely try to resolve. Just so so so frustrated with the situation as a whole. 

Thank you for the advice

Mayor / Maire

@HALIMACS yeah, I didn't see any other posts under this username. So was curious why @Jaimela08 stated

"no one at PM is either able to help, willing to help or actually available to help." 

Did you reach out to anyone prior to this post Jamiela08 ?


sure sounds like OP may have gone through the chargeback process (cancelling card sure sounds a bit over-the-top?) in which case they really won’t want to pursue things here since PM will make payment options onerous for them.

Mayor / Maire


so at this point, before we all spend time trying to troubleshoot, have you decided you’re done with this company anyway?

 I have four users on the service for 2+ years with practically zero issues

and I know a half a dozen others who have had years of service also, with little to no issues

your issues are resolvable — you want to take the time to resolve them?

Mayor / Maire

@Jaimela08 - oh gosh! If you want your daughter's account to work, please provide some info. and maybe we can help.

Really, it is not a scam. But understandably it can be frustrating if you are not aware of the methods to seek proper help.

Before you cancel your card charge, submit a ticket to customer support to confirm there was only one charge.

Are these charges pending or authorized?? The pending charge may go away.

Use this link to: Contact Public Mobile Representatives (CSA) by submitting a PRIVATE MESSAGE to start a ticket to them here: Private Message to Public Mobile Customer Support Agents (CSA)

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