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The community seems very helpful, but why are Public Mobile's agents so terrible?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The community seems very helpful, but why are Public Mobile's agents so terrible?

Please share your experiences so we can pass them on to Public Mobile's staff. Your feedback can help them improve their service by understanding what needs attention.

Have you ever missed important calls or been unable to keep appointments due to Public Mobile's system failures, only to not be credited or compensated?

I've read a few horror stories from people on Twitter and Facebook. For example, someone lost their phone and Public Mobile made them keep paying for it even after they asked for it to be deactivated.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I know this is not what you want to hear . In my experience PM CS agents have been very polite ,  helpful and knowledgeable. With regards to dropped voice calls that is a system problem and beyond their control.  Also with regards to a few dollars of compensation, that has never entered my mind and can’t understand how that would help to fix a technical issue. 

Mayor / Maire

HI @DJSpace 

yes, the Community is helpful and packed wit knowledge.

But I think agents are nice too, they always tried to help

You read some bad reviews online?  this is normal.  Most people are willing to spending time to write their bad experiences but rarely people some time to make compliment.  And when people wrote their reviews, most would not tell you what they did wrong

in your example about unable to cancel, what I see likely the person forgot his login and unable to provide agent the correct answer to the validation question.  If I call my hydro and scream I want to cancel, but unable to prove I am the account owner, I think it is appropriate for them not to help me, don't you think so?

For missed calls, yes I did. PM has not been great lately with calls.  But during the full year, I missed (or call dropped) as many with my Rogers account as my PM's.  All carrier will screw up , data or voice, there simply not 100% uptime, not even 99%.  And if you read off the fine prints, all carriers have a Disclaimer saying they won't be responsible with any loss from service interruption.  But yes, if you want credit or compensation, please check with support agent


Mayor / Maire


You were right, when I read X ( not Twitter any more) and Facebook, I see horror stories about Public well as Rogers, Bell, Freedom, fact all Mobile carriers, definitely not PM alone.  Stories like that your found on X and Facebook, the story tellers just purposely not tell you they also have some (or quiet a lot of ) responsibilities that led to the major problem in the end.  It is always easy to blame others on social media

Be honest, you don't care others' stories , I can see that your simply want to share your complaint.  Tell is if that "someone" who lost the number was you, or just tell us your own stories

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

When I first joined PM in January the CS_Agent responded quickly and were very helpful. However recently when I submitted a ticket and private messages related to dropped call no one for over 4 weeks.

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