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Text message with link only not received

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I didn't receive text messages that only had a url link sent to me in the message but I could send and receive text messages that were actually physically typed.  So I never knew I had any text messages from the two sent with links only.  Has anyone experienced this?


Thanks to everyone who replied.  It must have been a glitch because everything seems to be working fine today.



I use the stock google messaging app also and no issues with urls.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


 I am using Google Messages app.  I can cut and paste a URL link to a message and send by SMS.

Mayor / Maire

@dac13  what's the make and model of your phone and what messages app sre you running?

Mayor / Maire

@dac13 check your messages app settings. it could be a block spam option that could be causing it

Not applicable

@dac13 wrote:

I didn't receive text messages that only had a url link sent to me in the message but I could send and receive text messages that were actually physically typed.  So I never knew I had any text messages from the two sent with links only.  Has anyone experienced this?

I just tested h t t p s : / / w w w . c b c . c a (no spaces). It sent and received fine. What was the actual content of the "links"?

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