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Suspended acc

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So my plan will not renew itself im on a pay as you go and there is more than enough funds in the account for my plan... super frustrated as i am being sent in loops trying to figure out what happened.. wish i never would have switched to public mobile


Mayor / Maire

@mattginger wrote:

So my plan will not renew itself im on a pay as you go and there is more than enough funds in the account for my plan... super frustrated as i am being sent in loops trying to figure out what happened.. wish i never would have switched to public mobile

@mattginger  The best way to find out what happened is to access your online selfserve account and hit the payment history link. Select the appropriate date range. Review the payment details and let us know if you have any questions.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I had the same issue and remedied it by purchasing a voucher in store, applying it to my account by using *611, and then contacting a moderator to have my credit card re-authorized. In the meantime though, there is a sale online for vouchers per a previous post with a 20% discount. Check out this link:


I made  purchase yesterday afternoon and evening. The turnaround time was 9 hours to have the PIN code sent to my e-mail.

@mattginger  You may reactivate a suspended account online or by calling 611.
Via your account online
1. If you have already registered, or will first register, a credit card, go to step 2. OR deposit a voucher for at least your plan cost and go to step 3.
2. Go to the payment tab, select single payment and  amount due.
3. Select the reactivate account button.
4. Restart your phone.
or Using 611 to make your payment( once you know your 4 digit pin):
1. press 1 to make payment
2. press 2 credit card ( or 1 voucher)
3. press 1 amount due.
4. Restart your phone.

Let us know if it works. Thanks

Mayor / Maire

@mattginger wrote:

So my plan will not renew itself im on a pay as you go and there is more than enough funds in the account for my plan... super frustrated as i am being sent in loops trying to figure out what happened.. wish i never would have switched to public mobile

If you have tried multiple things contact the moderators directly :

Mayor / Maire

@mattginger Hello if there is enough funds in your account as you say go into your self serve and see if there is a reactivate button if so try it 

And then restart your phone

Mayor / Maire

@mattginger Sorry that you faced this. Sometimes Autopay fails, and it will result is suspension. Can you pay manually the amount you need to pay for your plan + $1 extra, and then restart your phone? Thanks.

Mayor / Maire

@mattginger wrote:

So my plan will not renew itself im on a pay as you go and there is more than enough funds in the account for my plan... super frustrated as i am being sent in loops trying to figure out what happened.. w ish i never would have switched to public mobile

Did you try calling 611 to make a payment. If you continue to have problems adding funds contact a moderator.


Please use the chatbot SIMon to help you solve your issue. If SIMon cannot solve your issue then you have the option to contact a moderator.


Step 1: Choose the ? button at the right bottom corner of this page or choose “Get Help” at the top of the page and then choose the “Chat with SIMon” button.


Step 2: Tell SIMon what the issue is and see if he can find a solution for you.


Step 3: If Simon cannot find a solution then type in “moderator” to connect to a Public Mobile customer service representative.


Step 4: Simon will present you with two choices. Choose “Account-specific question”


Step 5 Then choose “No, I want a human”


Step 6 Create your ticket


Check the sent folder to make sure your ticket was sent (envelope icon, top right) and the inbox for a reply from the moderators.


“To ensure the safety of our team members during the COVID-19 pandemic, our Moderator team is working at reduced levels. During this time, you may experience longer than normal wait times when contacting our Moderator team for help.”


Moderators are available:


Monday to Friday from 8 AM to midnight Eastern time.

Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM to 10 PM Eastern time

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