02-05-2020 10:47 AM - edited 01-05-2022 10:33 AM
02-05-2020 11:09 AM - edited 02-05-2020 12:08 PM
@Umar1972 wrote:My bank want such letter to know about hacking my cell phone and getying into my bank online service to get money from my account.
@Umar1972 Did you get SIM-jacked and your number was ported out from Public Mobile? If yes, then you need to contact the Moderator for help.
Since your account was closed due to the port-out click here. The link sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.
Please note that account verification may be required when contacting the Moderator Team
02-05-2020 10:58 AM
My bank want such letter to know about hacking my cell phone and getying into my bank online service to get money from my account.
02-05-2020 10:57 AM
@Umar1972 wrote:I need a letter from public mobile comprising the statement about how you ported my cell phone number to other person or other service provider?
So your number was inappropriately ported to somewhere? Or you're asking how to port?
It sounds like the former. You need to contact the moderators then. The open community can't help you with that.
02-05-2020 10:55 AM
@Umar1972 are you trying to port a chatr or Koodo prepaid account? If you are , you require moderator help. To contact a moderator and explain your problem . This connects to the autobot Simon. Type moderator and follow the prompts to get to one (CLICK on account specific question and human and submit a ticket). So, set up your my account with a temporay number and contact them for help.
If you are porting a from someone else. In order to protect your number during the port , get a temporay number. From within my account then port your number over.
In both cases, your previous providers account must be active. Welcome to PM .
@Umar1972 wrote:Hi,
Is somebody there to repond?
02-05-2020 10:55 AM
Hope you got the point
02-05-2020 10:53 AM
I need a letter from public mobile comprising the statement about how you ported my cell phone number to other person or other service provider?
02-05-2020 10:53 AM
@Umar1972 wrote:Hi,
Is somebody there to repond?
Repond to what?
The subject indicates something about porting. But no idea what is being asked.
02-05-2020 10:49 AM