12-31-2023 02:35 AM
Why am I only able to see the 3g plans from my account? If I log out I can see the other offerings, but not when I’m logged in and under the change plan link.
12-31-2023 08:49 AM
Logout everything EverSafe (including Self-Serve), clear browser caches and cookies, close and restart browser, log back in.
Also, some scriptblockers (Brave, Ghostery, etc) can sometimes cause weirdness and broken/malfunctioning components on Public Mobile sites.
12-31-2023 02:59 AM
It seems that different people see different things when they log into there accounts.
However, I'm going to assume that if it's not showing up under your change plan it's because your account does not qualify for that plan as it would be for new activations only.
When I log in, I see $40/60GB 5G; $50/100GB 5G; $39/50GB 4G. You should probably see the same along with the 2 reg offering.