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Sim Card Payment

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I ordered a SIM card. It charged my card but the site does not let me complete order. Is the SIM card ordered?


Mayor / Maire

@Cggateman wrote:

I ordered a SIM card. It charged my card but the site does not let me complete order. Is the SIM card ordered?

@Cggateman  Yes only if you reecived an order number otherwise try again or you can use Amazon or Ebay as alternative sources.

Mayor / Maire

Did you receive a confirmation email with tracking# ?

If you need further assistance then submit a ticket to a moderator.

If you are having trouble with your services, the next step is to contact a moderator. Here is the link to create a ticket through SIMon: -> Click on Chat with Simon - on the line "ask me something" write "moderator" -> then click on "account specific question" -> afterward click on "no, I want a human" -> finally you will see an answer "submit a ticket Click me!"

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