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Regreting switching to public mobile right now

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

When I researched the switch from Koodo to public mobile it seemed pretty easy. And that it wouldn't be an issue switching my phone number over too. But I've had nothing but difficulty and it isn't being solved. Might just have wasted my money and time. Probably going back to koodo


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@bridonca wrote:

@Noah6179 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@Noah6179 wrote:

When I researched the switch from Koodo to public mobile it seemed pretty easy. And that it wouldn't be an issue switching my phone number over too. But I've had nothing but difficulty and it isn't being solved. Might just have wasted my money and time. Probably going back to koodo

So this is your first post. Were you on Koodo pre-paid? If so, did you send a private message to the moderators to move your number over? Is it that they're taking a long time to do that? You should be able to continue using your Koodo account until it stops working. Then you'll know the move is done.

Yes I was on pre paid with Koodo. I sent a message and they asked me to go to a link to show that I am who I say I am. But after I did that and messaged them back I haven't gotten a reply. I am using my Koodo rn but it's about to expire and I don't want to have to pay for another month while still paying for my new public mobile line

You are probably not going to get a response till Monday.   You are already in the muck, there is not much you can do now but wait it out.  In hind sight, I would never do a straight port, and I would not start one till Monday. 


If you want me to agree that Public Mobile's level of support is unacceptable, yeah it is horrid.  The only silver lining is that you will not need it much once established. 

There are 5 moderators online at the moment.(Sat 9:07am MDT).  Last time, I got my reply right away after verification and email back.


Login to your account and click on [Plan and Add-Ons].  

Is your Koodo number showing on the [Plan and Add-Ons] page?



I am both a Public Mobile and Koodo customer.  They both have their strengths and weaknesses.  There's no panacea.  For this service, I would generally not consider the moderator team as a weakness.  The do a fine job given the circumstances they work under.  In fact I get better service with the private message model than with a call center.  On Thursday this week, I wanted to ask a customer service rep something I cannot get without interacting with a live person.  I used their call back service because listening to music for 2 hours in a queue is not practical.  Because Thursday is a work day and work takes precedence over personal stuff, every time I received a call back, I was busy with something I can't drop to answer the call.  If I could do a private message interaction, I would have been able to explain what questions I wanted answered, received the response and read it when I have a spare moment.  


If there's anything regrettable with this service it's the willingness to live with long standing problems and the inability to roll out a fully tested product.  Recently, there were lots of issues with the limited usage plans.  That's something which should have been fully tested before going to market.  


It's easy to go and complain about the moderators taking a long time to restore accounts that are impaired by the problem.  It's not their fault that there are so many affected accounts all at once.  It's certainly not their problem for introducing the faulty product.  Complaining about bad customer service is very similar to shooting the messenger.  


Not necessarily.  Moderators do work on weekends and have the ability to complete ports on weekends.  Koodo prepaid and Public mobile share the same backend, so PM moderators have to port the number for you.  If you provided all the relevant information such as Koodo account number, account holder name and phone number, hopefully, it should be done soon.  You will receive a text once the port is completed.  

Not applicable

Moderators work weekends but I agree with bridonca about the account support. Horrid. But I haven't needed them for an account problem since I got here a year ago.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Noah6179 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@Noah6179 wrote:

When I researched the switch from Koodo to public mobile it seemed pretty easy. And that it wouldn't be an issue switching my phone number over too. But I've had nothing but difficulty and it isn't being solved. Might just have wasted my money and time. Probably going back to koodo

So this is your first post. Were you on Koodo pre-paid? If so, did you send a private message to the moderators to move your number over? Is it that they're taking a long time to do that? You should be able to continue using your Koodo account until it stops working. Then you'll know the move is done.

Yes I was on pre paid with Koodo. I sent a message and they asked me to go to a link to show that I am who I say I am. But after I did that and messaged them back I haven't gotten a reply. I am using my Koodo rn but it's about to expire and I don't want to have to pay for another month while still paying for my new public mobile line

You are probably not going to get a response till Monday.   You are already in the muck, there is not much you can do now but wait it out.  In hind sight, I would never do a straight port, and I would not start one till Monday. 


If you want me to agree that Public Mobile's level of support is unacceptable, yeah it is horrid.  The only silver lining is that you will not need it much once established. 

Not applicable

@Noah6179 wrote:

Yes I was on pre paid with Koodo. I sent a message and they asked me to go to a link to show that I am who I say I am. But after I did that and messaged them back I haven't gotten a reply. I am using my Koodo rn but it's about to expire and I don't want to have to pay for another month while still paying for my new public mobile line

You "messaged them back". Did you do that in private message or did you reply to an email? You would need to do that in a private message.

Otherwise I guess all you can do is wait. Maybe send them another message if it's been several days. If it's just been a few hours or a day then keep waiting.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@Anonymous wrote:

@Noah6179 wrote:

When I researched the switch from Koodo to public mobile it seemed pretty easy. And that it wouldn't be an issue switching my phone number over too. But I've had nothing but difficulty and it isn't being solved. Might just have wasted my money and time. Probably going back to koodo

So this is your first post. Were you on Koodo pre-paid? If so, did you send a private message to the moderators to move your number over? Is it that they're taking a long time to do that? You should be able to continue using your Koodo account until it stops working. Then you'll know the move is done.

Yes I was on pre paid with Koodo. I sent a message and they asked me to go to a link to show that I am who I say I am. But after I did that and messaged them back I haven't gotten a reply. I am using my Koodo rn but it's about to expire and I don't want to have to pay for another month while still paying for my new public mobile line

Not applicable

@Noah6179 wrote:

When I researched the switch from Koodo to public mobile it seemed pretty easy. And that it wouldn't be an issue switching my phone number over too. But I've had nothing but difficulty and it isn't being solved. Might just have wasted my money and time. Probably going back to koodo

So this is your first post. Were you on Koodo pre-paid? If so, did you send a private message to the moderators to move your number over? Is it that they're taking a long time to do that? You should be able to continue using your Koodo account until it stops working. Then you'll know the move is done.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Only thing I can say is keep at it until you are happy.  If you are not getting what you need, a email to the CCTS would do wonders. 


I currently use both Koodo and Public Mobile, and I had many teething issues with Koodo.  Eventually I got what I was promised.  I feel you will get the same with Public Mobile.


Of the 2 of them, I prefer Public Mobile.  I am still with Koodo, because they offered a plan deal I could not refuse, they offer wifi calling, and you can get cheap phones.  I use Public Mobile as my main phone line. 

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