07-24-2023 10:41 AM
Hello all,
Thanks for quick response.
I should remember better than this, that is why I created for myself little mess changing email address.
Little refreshment course (any category) is good.
Other than this: nothing to mention
07-24-2023 10:58 AM
So you made a little mess by changing the email address on one of your accounts to the same one as another account? Did it let you?
Can you still log in to one of those accounts? If so then change that account to yet another email address and then see if you can log in to the other account with the original email address.
07-24-2023 10:45 AM
07-24-2023 10:43 AM
@Mila_B FYI You can always change your email . In my account on the profile page at anytime also