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Re credit

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi i forgot to cansel my account i havent been using my account since dedember and the monthly payment has been coming out of my account so please cansel my service and how can public credit my account back 

Thank you


Not applicable

@Angelmaraj wrote:

Hi i forgot to cansel my account i havent been using my account since dedember and the monthly payment has been coming out of my account so please cansel my service and how can public credit my account back

Thank you

Your forgetting is not Public Mobiles responsibility. You asked the system to auto-renew with autopay. It obliged. I don't think you would get any credit or refund.

Orrr....did you port out and it kept charging?

Mayor / Maire

@Angelmaraj PM is a prepaid service. And will not give you a refund. To cancel your service log into my account and remove you autopay credit card the account will automatically close within 90 days. Or

Port your number out which will automatically close or. To port your number the account must be active.

@Angelmaraj wrote:

Hi i forgot to cansel my account i havent been using my account since dedember and the monthly payment has been coming out of my account so please cansel my service and how can public credit my account back 

Thank you


Mayor / Maire

Since Public Mobile is a prepaid service you pay in advance for your 30 days. They cannot issue you a refund.


If you would like to close your account..simply remove auto-pay. You can do this by calling 611 or logging into your self serve account. Click Payments then Manage auto-pay.


You can also click manage credit card to remove your card.Screenshot_20200124_073012.jpg


Simply leave the account as that and when no payment is received your account will go to suspended. After 90 days it will be closed.

Not applicable

@Angelmaraj- First thing to do is log into your self serve account, and remove your credit card information, and disable auto pay - nothing else you need to do.  After that, your account will cancel (suspend) automatically at the end of your current cycle.  90 days later, your account will be completely closed and your number returned to the pool of available numbers.

As for getting a credit, that would be highly unikely, since the service you paid for was made available to you.  If you want to persue it, click on the question mark in the lower corner, and use SIMon to contact moderator team.  Put in a question explaining the problem.  Something like account credit/refund, and then follow prompts to get a ticket.  Very unlikely to get a refund in this case, though.


Mayor / Maire

@Angelmaraj wrote:

Hi i forgot to cansel my account i havent been using my account since dedember and the monthly payment has been coming out of my account so please cansel my service and how can public credit my account back 

Thank you

PM is a prepaid service. Since you had autopay enabled, they will charge you no matter you use the service or not. Therefore, they won't refund you for the months you didn't use the account. You need to disable autopay in your self-service account to prevent future deductions from your card.

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