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Problems with new sim

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Okay so I just bought a brand new physical SIM card because my new phone does not support esim, no I've got my account transferred to the new sim and have it in my phone reset the phone but the SIM card is not showing the phone number and it's not letting me call out I've tried a couple different things and nothing seems to be working 




What gave you that idea?

The link below arrows?

so @ORNGNBLK , you are in fact handy?  🙂


Mayor / Maire

you just need to Reboot phone first and Reset network settings and the number should be correct

if not, and if you have an iPhone, you can update the phone number from the settings

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Kissy_krystina   If you believe that the porting went through successfully and you’ve tried what you can from your end, send a private message   To CS_Agent and ask them to assist

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