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Porting out my number while abroad

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi All 

I would like to park my number with Nunberpark, they have tried to submit a request and apparently public mobile sents SMS to my number to confirm however I am a broad and not returning to Canada very soon. 


Is there another way to do it 

Does Publicmobile have help desk to receive my written consent 




Mayor / Maire


If you are porting out of PM then you can't because PM Roaming on works in Canada and USA (with Roaming Add-on).


Thanks for the correction...misread the question.

@will13am wrote:

@Kbaden , generally your acknowledgement of the number port is the security measure to prevent fraud.  You could use the chatbot link and submit a support ticket and have a CSA look into doing if for you.  


While a Public Mobile can manually approve the port out, you will not be able able to use the normal port out procedure because there isn't any way to receive a text message on your Public Mobile service unless you are in Canada or the United States.  You could get a family member do switch your service to a Public Mobile SIM card and have your family member approve the port out by text message.

@BKNS27 wrote:


It could work if your previous carrier have Roaming where you are located to receive a text confirming you are porting over to PM with the old SIM in your phone. Otherwise, you need to wait to return to Canada.

Customer is trying to port out of Public Mobile.  


@Kbaden , basically my suggestion above is to leverage the last paragraph in this help article.

Mayor / Maire


It could work if your previous carrier have Roaming where you are located to receive a text confirming you are porting over to PM with the old SIM in your phone. Otherwise, you need to wait to return to Canada.


@Kbaden , generally your acknowledgement of the number port is the security measure to prevent fraud.  You could use the chatbot link and submit a support ticket and have a CSA look into doing if for you.  

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