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Porting Deactivated Number Please Help Moderators

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I requested my account number 3 days ago so that I could port the number to Freedom Mobile. No one from your organization responded please provide the account information so that I can port out the number. The number was activate when the request was made. The number is now "Not Active", kindly have the number active so that I can port the number out.

It is not ethical to have me pay any sums of monies to have the number active in n order to port the number out since the request was made with enough time in order to have this request previsoned.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

OK what does this have to do with porting a number out., so you have a Moderator describing their internal process. I am not concerned about their process just like they are not concerned how I earn y hard earnt monies. Fix The Problem.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Five days and no response, this is a simple fix for Public Mobile.. Activate The Account and the number will be ported. However they have no respect for the consumer and are unethical.

@jheili99 wrote:

@PBForMe@computergeek541i came across some of this species in the short time i'm with PM... best is actually to fully ignore, which i admit, should have done to begin with.. if he believes the president of Telus will send him a private limo and personally solve his porting issue because he is entitled to the world, these kind of people can't be help but wasting our time here in the community forum... i rather ignore and try to help where help is wanted this is what PM is eachother who are in need of help to support the company and to keep the prices down..



It could actually work, but I doubt that the publicly known e-mail addresses are actually checked by the CEO at all. I have my suspicions that sending messages to such e-mail addresses does/can get results but the messages themselves likely just go to some corporate complaints department, rather than the CEO himself.  The real e-mail address that CEO uses personally is probably known to very few people within the company, and even if a regular front-line employee does know the e-mail address, they're probably not suppsoed to use it - but rather go to his/her direct supervisor to resolve things.


A lot of the time when something is esclated to some type of management level, the mangement sometimes says "why couldn't the other department handle this to begin with".  If that happens, the same person who sometimes ends up handling the situaiton is the same person the customer would have discussed it with if it weren't jumped straight up the lader to begin with.  An escalation department will often only intervene if the customer is unhappy with the decision of the lower level.  If the front-line level never dealt with it to begin with, it'll probably just be dropped back in the lap of the community moderators anyway. 


Sending an e-mail to some presidential level within Telus could speed up the process a little, but in the end, I suspect that any outcome will be handled by PM directly anyway.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Correction ....these people can't be helped. These types of spieces are consumers that are aware.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I believe I mentioned that this information was not sent via email upont activation. *Clarification*.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

As mentioned previously I did not request it the new carrier did., the account number that was associated with previous email threads was the inccorect account number. Freedom has already stepped to resolve my concern. Be assured that no monies will be spent directly through PM to have this issue resolved.  


Do I expect the president or CEO. To respond of course not that is not what CEO's do some prefer open lines of communicatuon majority do not. It is about creating or initiating a presidency over the matter so that if I decide to fill a statement of claim against the corporation a paper trail has been initiated this can not be done through PM protcol nor through this form since really one does not have access to dialogue that has been documented in the event of it being removed.



However by going through the appropriate channels if the company attempts to down play the concern or advise one that they did not receive the complaint. That statement or defense which is so often used  will be refuted with appropriate dates and times in which attempts where made to have the issue resolved.


Do I expect a limousine no , do I expect the PM to respond and act professional and conduct themselves with the correct business ethics 'Yes'.



Sue glad Telus didn't get a hold of Mobilicity otherwise they would have shelfed that brand as well. It is ashame that Public Mobile has been degraded to a tier 2 or at this point tier 3 carrier. Clients want openess, respect and honesty.



In this situation after 4 days of waiting for a number to be ported out no one can say that Public Mobile has acted in an appropriate fashion.



Thanks for Listening All I want is a little "Freedom" no pun intended. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Why do you need to request an account number when it's already provided to you through self-serve. Why is it so hard for people to just take the time to look instead of having everything handed to them?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@PBForMe@computergeek541i came across some of this species in the short time i'm with PM... best is actually to fully ignore, which i admit, should have done to begin with.. if he believes the president of Telus will send him a private limo and personally solve his porting issue because he is entitled to the world, these kind of people can't be help but wasting our time here in the community forum... i rather ignore and try to help where help is wanted this is what PM is eachother who are in need of help to support the company and to keep the prices down..



@PBForMe wrote:

@talkalot wrote:

I don't think I messed up when I send an email to the following address over 4days ago.




You messed up because PM is a Self Serve provider and it's not necessary to contact a mod to get your account number, it's available on the customer portal, as it is for every cellular provider on the planet. 


Contacting staff prior to port out is completely unnecessary.



As well as being available when logging in online, Public Mobile also sends it to you by e-mail at the time of activation, although it's not completely obvious.  In that e-mail, yoru Public account number is shown right before your e-mail address in the "To:" field.  (The account number is shown where a person's name would normally be).
Believe it or not, Chatr does not provide account numbers to customers in the self-serve accounts.  Chatr customers actualy need to contact customer service and ask for it -- silly, I know....


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@talkalot wrote:

I don't think I messed up when I send an email to the following address over 4days ago.




You messed up because PM is a Self Serve provider and it's not necessary to contact a mod to get your account number, it's available on the customer portal, as it is for every cellular provider on the planet. 


Contacting staff prior to port out is completely unnecessary.



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My apologies any clients should forward there concern to the CEO and President of Telus Corporation.



I believe Mr. Entwistle has the outmost respect and integrity and has established a team that would be willing to assist where Moferators might have there hands full, again many proactive CEO have an open channel of communication with clients to stay on top of issues,  they enjoy feedback and will resolve or often appoint an account executive to resolve issues.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

good luck and please move on...we heard you now loud and is all a huge conspiracy against you...we get it..hence the user name....Smiley LOL



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

By Wednesday Anyone With Issues With Moderators not responding should contact here:



TELUS Corporation
Mailing Address:Executive Office
510 W. Georgia St.
23rd Floor
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 0M3
Head Office Address:Executive Office
510 W. Georgia St.
23rd Floor
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 0M3
Contact Name:Corporate SecretaryPrincipal Regulator:British Columbia
Business e-mail address:corporate.secretary@telus.comShort Form Prospectus Issuer:Yes
Telephone Number:604 697-8044Reporting Jurisdictions:British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland
Fax Number:604 899-1289Stock Exchange:TSX, NYSE
Date of Formation:Oct 26 1998Stock Symbol:T
Jurisdiction Where Formed:British ColumbiaAuditor:Deloitte LLP
Industry Classification:utilities - telephone utilitiesGeneral Partner: 
CUSIP Number:87971MTransfer Agent:Computershare Trust Company of Canada
Financial Year-End:Dec 31Size of Issuer (Assets):Over $1,000,000,000

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I don't think I messed up when I send an email to the following address over 4days ago.


Public Mobile Support



All cell phone providers respond right away and generally Indicated A 48 response time to written inquires it has been double that and still no response by Public. I can send my statement of claim to Telus Corporation on Wednesday with a follow up to the CRTC in Friday. It depends really how stubborn Public Mobile desires to be but at the end I will come out a winner both financially and ethically why because ample time was provide in order to facilitate the request. No correction Public Mobile messed up. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Update I have the account number now. I just require the account to be activated with paying anymore monies that is a reasonable request. HELLO are their any MOD's around?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yeah you sound a bit aggressive and it's odd that you would view my previous posts. Yes again I did enjoy the service however the data was insufficient for my day to day usage. Now let me address one of your finger waging statements with all your experience.


I never said that I had experience with Public Mobile nor do I profess to be proficient with Public Mobile's internal CRM and again why would I need to be, unlike with Public most providers send you an attachment that provides an account summary with usage,account information , phone number etc.


I searched my emails from the activation date and was surprised not to find a statandard email providing the required information in order to manage the accountant effectively. I appreciate your "attack", it just really exposures how secretive Public Mobile is and more importantly how Telus Corp handles their clients. 



Don't you think five days is more than ample time to responded to a request for account number and or activate the account so the number cab be ported.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Your account number is on the portal, you don't need to 'request information' from PM to initiate a port. If you initiated the port when the account was in good standing then I can understand... if you didn't and had access to the portal, then you messed up. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire be honest: i would be amused, that with all of these year experience in the industry you have you would not know where to find an account number in a "self serve account" and would blame/threaten a carrier with a complaint only because you "feel" you are entitled to a special treatment...


no offense and hopefully not sounding to aggressive, but you were with public mobile for quite a while and actually said many times in other postings, that you are happy with the service you got and all of a sudden you threaten to file a complaint...this would let me to believe:


you are not really looking for a solution or trying to solve the problem... you simply want PM to activate your account for free so you can port out although it was your mistake to wait to the very last second..


well, not getting anywhere with that anyways... i wish you all the luck with freedom and have a nice christmas !



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Sorry I won't be leaving anytime soon. In fact I was with Fido for 7 years and Mobilicity for 5 years and stayed loyal to both companies while they where going through transition and network upgrades. I was around when Rogers made its announcement and was the first company to provide digital service from analog CDMA and someone with a background in engineering I realize that sometimes it takes time to get technology right from a consumer prospective . I will be with Freedom Mobile for sometime to come.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The provider requested that information common of course the account was in good standing. Reception is a completely different situation than providing account information.

I have many years working in the Telecommunication Sector so I have been on the other side. I am.Very amused when people speak of reception that is geographical situation. I have had a cell phone for 20 years and I can't say one carrier superior to another.

Infrastructure cost thousands and in some case millions of dollars especially when dealing with a country like Canada where the population is spread out and with difficult terrain.

You simply can't  compare reception to a simple email with account information let's speak apples to apples your point of view is appreciated but not really valid.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

hi, why did you requested your account number , IT IS on top right hand when your sign for your account start with 1 followed by 0000000   you could have got yourself , just do like they sugested you open a 10 day account using same account but you don't know so use phone number you have 90 days to keep using your number after that you lose it

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

To be fair, requesting information to port out while your account was active is quite different from initiating the port while the account was active.


Furthermore, all information needed to port is provided in the portal. In any case, every provider requires an active account in good standing for a port to be initiated. My suggestion, just buy a 10 day pass or whatever it is and be done with it. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

any carrier has the same matter where you go to....i'ver been with wind/freedom and had to drag them to ccts for the worst reception service offered i ever came across..why do you think they had to change the name from wind to freedom? wind was industry known as the worst of the worst..changing the name to freedom does not make their cell reception any better or magically builds new towers......


beside that: i assume you had access to your online account.... well, that's where we all can find our account number ( top right of log-in page ) ....your problem it seems is only, that it is now too late as account is considered inactive..


the best way is as i suggested: log into your aacount..write down your account number..switch to the cheapest PM plan to activate account ( i think it's 20.00 or so ) and have freedom do the port...


it is everybody's right to file a complaint against a carrier, but it has to be "with cause" and it would personally not be worth my time to file a complaint here and there for that little money... i would move on and do it better next time.....

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yes but most A1 carries won't play around if the request was made prior to the deactivation date, I do have emails that data back over 60days and a recent email that requests account information 3 days prior to becoming deactivated. If Telus Corporation wants a written complaint to the CRTC I would be more than willing to do so in order to have my complaint heard.

Its pretty telling that Telus Corp has all but left the PM brand to sink in order to prevent a decline in market share this is poor business practice and should be taken as notice for current and future customers when considering weather to enter into a service agreement with Telus Corp or any of it's off brand companies such as Kodoo or Public Mobile.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



ethical or not, but ALL cell carriers requiring an "active" account in order to port a number because: an account can only be open if the number is in service....if the number is not in service the account is closed/inactive and you can not port from a closed/inactive account....


these are the rules...sorry...


may i suggest to activate account with the cheapest 10 day plan and have freedom initiate the port ... but one thing though: you will regret "freedom" very very fast...



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