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Porting issue

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Any way someone can send me a number to call for Porting issue. I did everything right including reseting phone.  It's been over 5 hrs now. Data works on my phone when turning off wifi, but still no way for me to make/receive calls as Fido has already deactivated my line. Switching from eSIM to eSIM. 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So after about 2.5 hrs on the phone and trying to get resolve thru the CS agents, I have figured it out on my own. 

Not exactly sure what the issue was, but I did a complete wipe of the phone (iOS) including deleting the eSIM. Purchased a new eSIM that cost me $5.65 on the app (as you can't reuse it), went through the process and everything works now as it should.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So it seems I can make and receive calls, data is working. But I am showing "NO SIM" and I get no bars. When I go to iMessage it only gives email addresses as an option .

Even when i go into the Celluar profile (iOS) and click public mobile, there is NO phone number that shows up. 


I will send you a private message to Telus porting team number.  Not sure if it is exclusively a porting issue.  Your account might not have been set up properly.  Then you will need customer service agent help. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes looks like I can call out. But cannot receive calls. As well it has no number in the Cell profile, and it says "NO SIM" 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, signed up right from the app. 

And you did this by downloading the public mobile app and purchasing a new esim?

If so use the chat at the bottom right hand corner to submit your request.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have done all of the above. 


You can try the chat (faster response) to get an agent or private message them with the link below.

Mayor / Maire

If your other line is no longer valid, it should be complete.  Check esim settings. See if it's there and disable the old esim and turn on public mobile esmim and set to primary. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, have done both multiple times. 



Are you able to text out?  or call out?  With a stuck port, you should be able to send text and have outgoing calling.  Just unable to receive call and texts.

Did you respond to port request text from Fido?  

Mayor / Maire


Have you tried rebooting phone or resetting network settings?

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