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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just wondering what is the point of the points if none of the rewards  benefit us? We don't use all the data in our plan now and already have long distance 🤷‍♀️


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


in the public mobile app, Rewards -> Browse Catalogue, select 15 points 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you! I didn't see where that was an option.

Mayor / Maire


you can also hang on to those points and redeem them for future contests. Only trouble is PM won't let us know who winner of contests are. They keep that info a big secret.   🤐

Mayor / Maire

You collect points to lower your bill or buy add-ons.

It used to be you can opt out of points so you do not get anything at all. Maybe PM changed that so you HAVE to collect points. Nobody is forcing you to convert them to monay.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Once you gain 15 points, you can redeem 15 point for $15 credit for your next monthly payment 

Mayor / Maire

Well, you can use 15 points to get $15 off your plan price. That's what I do. I don't care about the rest. 🙂

@Nikkirenn1 wrote:

Just wondering what is the point of the points if none of the rewards  benefit us? We don't use all the data in our plan now and already have long distance 🤷‍♀️

Add-ons that won't be used by a specific customer  won't benefit that customer.  As for points, they can also be redeemed for bill credits.

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