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Please bring back $40, 4gb promo for Xmas!! (To cure recent backlogs & issues)

Mayor / Maire
Please kindly bring back the $40, 4gb plan for Xmas, here are some good reasons why:

- it's a season of giving and it will make a great gift

- this will help clear the current issues backlog. there's have been too many issues recently such as website issues, errors that caused promo activations very difficult, plus porting and service issues that the mods are swamped with.

Opening the promo will take care of activation related issues so that mods have less of a backlog and they can then resolve other issues.

- this will help kill any competition. I was surprised to see how many people didn't know about this promo, had they known, would have signed up in a heartbeat. If it is advertised correctly and widely this time, this will kind any competition. Especially wind("freedom") customer, it will take wind ("freedom") out of the business.

-it will make PM even stronger.

I humbly request the Public Mobile team to kindly consider my post and kindly re-offer the promo for the Xmas period with great advertising.

Thanks a bunch in advance.

Best regards.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I doubt the PM staff would appreciate another promo, with the backlog and all the overtime they've had to put in, over the holidays. 

I hope this was a good learning experience.  I am hoping all issues will be corrected in a couple of weeks.


Its still a good time of the year, a time to give and a great opporutnity to grab even more customers.

With more customers bringing more funds will make it possible to have more staff, more stable servers and more efficient customer service.

Mayor / Maire

I am of the mind that no further promos should be offered

Public has only survived via word of mouth

Unfortunately you can see many upset potential clients now

It was too many too quickly


For the older fans, remember the NHL/WHA of the 70s?

Expansion like mad with teams added and folding or moving every year

Both leagues were falling apart since unable to handle the sudden growth

Took nearly 30 years to correct


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Luddite Do we have 12 year olds building the site. You need new developers if fixing an old bug constantly cause new ones. That shows a lack of regression testing.


Even if they never do another promo again they need to fix the system errors. Just change your plan can cause you to have your account suspended even if you're on autopay, that should never happen. There are lots of issues affecting existing customers that needs to be address. You'll also have overworked mods and low morale if they don't fix these issues.


so while I disagree with having another promo so soon, doing nothing is not an opiton.

I'll be the curmudgeon. Robot wink


Why do anything at all?


The promo brought lots of new customers and the activation backlog will be almost cleared in another week, So why invest in a troublesome system "upgrade" when it will probably just generate different bugs. Except for the promo bulge the moderators have cleared almost every issue within 24 hours. So its system upgrade cost vs moderator salaries.


In its current guise PM is a poor risk if someone MUST have "instant" activation; eg. visitors to Canada, roaming to USA tomorrow, etc. One needs a two week planning window; a week to get the SIM, a week for assured activation.


On the other hand it's GREAT value for its target market once an account is activated.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Frankly, until they fix all that they shouln'd exists

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Unless they staff up adequately, deploy beefier servers, implement sanity checks during activation/port, and resolve the coding bugs -- I hope they never offer this promotion again.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

They need to fix all the system bugs before attemoting another promo. There's no point offering another promo thye cannot handle and getting more angry cutsomers.

I agree, UNTIL PM fixes primary issues FIRST, I say postpone ANY further Promos, this way, experience will be MUCH MORE positive

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
To be honest, those are only a tiny minority of the issues, and most of those were just before or on the 20th.

Mayor / Maire
Sorry, I'm not suggesting to cause more issues, I'm just trying to offer a quick win solution. I dont know the history of activation problems but I noticed that people are having issues when during the activation process because they ajre not able to see the promo anymore. Those people are then freaking out and keep bombarding mods with inquiries and email, adding a significant amount to the current backlog.

So I thought if the activation is reopen it may just take care of this issue.

I'm just trying to help.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
How would it solve activation issues. The activation issues have been around long before this promo, they had nothing to do with the promo.

How will it clear up half the issues?  If there was a problem with the first promo how would opening up again clear that all up and not add more issues?  They haven't resolved or dealt with all of the issues yet.  This would not clear up activation issues


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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I vote no, I'm sorry. PM has slot of work to do before another promo.

Mayor / Maire
I know what you mean but what I am saying is, there are two main types of issues that are causing the backlog, one the activation issues and second after activation issues such as porting and no service.
So by opening up the promo for the Xmas at least they can quickly reduce the backlog in half getting rid of all activation issues automatically.
This will help them focusing and resolving porting and no service issues promptly.

This is a quick win, mote efficient and a win-win solution.


Personally I think that is to soon for it to happen for all the issues and back log that is currently happening.  They are doing a great job of getting this cleared up but there are a lot of things that need to be looked at and taken care of.  There is still a large back log of people who have no service so I don't see how opening this up again would clear this back log.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am looking forward for this as well. Some family members/friends are thinking about moving to PM. Would even be better if new comers get some extra stuff for being referenced by existing member. 🙂

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