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Plan data problem

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi everyone, my plan data did not activate again after using the whole amount of data from the recent free 1 GB add-on.


Any ideas, how to solve this?


Thank you.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You should try to contact a moderator for some help if you have any issues with that. They should be able to provide some suggestions and tips.


Click here to contact a moderator.

What do you mean..? didn't activate after renewal? It didn't and you used up your bonus 1gb? Or have you used your plan data, then used your 1gb bonus data and you don't have any now til your renewal date? If you used up all your plan data and your bonus data and there is nothing showing on your account for are out of data til renewal unless you purchase an add on 1gb $30 or change plans....either now or on renewal. Something you might want to consider.

Mayor / Maire

@Skarh wrote:

Hi everyone, my plan data did not activate again after using the whole amount of data from the recent free 1 GB add-on.


Any ideas, how to solve this?


Thank you.





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