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Phone thinks local calls are long distance

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Our phone number is in area code 236  we are trying to call numbers in area codes 778 and 604 and our phone won't let us because we don't have a long distance plan.  It is not long distance.  All 3 area codes are used in the same city!   We have tried with the number 1 before the 10 digit number and also without the 1.  Nothing works!  236 is a new area code, so does public mobile not know this?  Does anyone know how you can actually speak to someone at this company? We have paid in advance but can't use it!


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Waltandi You could probably use up your limit in minutes. You can buy an add-on of $5 with 500 minutes Canada-wide calls as backup. Once you use up your plan limit, the add-on will kick in and there is without time limit to use them up as long as you are still with PM. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Waltandi wrote:

Our phone number is in area code 236  we are trying to call numbers in area codes 778 and 604 and our phone won't let us because we don't have a long distance plan.  It is not long distance.  All 3 area codes are used in the same city!   We have tried with the number 1 before the 10 digit number and also without the 1.  Nothing works!  236 is a new area code, so does public mobile not know this?  Does anyone know how you can actually speak to someone at this company? We have paid in advance but can't use it!

There is a really good chance Telus does not have that set up as a local exchange.  Most plans are Canada wide, so it is less likely to be caught by a customer.  You should PM a mod here, and they should get someone to sort it out.

Mayor / Maire

@WaltandiWhich plan do you have? Are you out of outgoing minutes?

Not applicable


Twigs a thought.... @Waltandi: if you're on the $10 or $15 plan then maybe you've used all your minutes.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes! Contact the private moderators, they respond quickly and provide good service. Perhaps there was an issue when porting an old number, or it's just something on their end. 

I suggest you double check your plan details, send the mods a message, and wait for their response! 


Hope all goes well 

Not applicable

@Waltandi wrote:

Our phone number is in area code 236  we are trying to call numbers in area codes 778 and 604 and our phone won't let us because we don't have a long distance plan.  It is not long distance.  All 3 area codes are used in the same city!   We have tried with the number 1 before the 10 digit number and also without the 1.  Nothing works!  236 is a new area code, so does public mobile not know this?  Does anyone know how you can actually speak to someone at this company? We have paid in advance but can't use it!

It could also be an issue with the exchange or prefix. Are they recent numbers or are they older well established prefixes?

Is this a new problem? Is this a new activation?

Could you share the prefix? (not the last 4 digits unless it's a business)


The only way to contact somebody is via private message. They're called the moderators. They can be reached at @Moderator_Team < Click this.

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