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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just put a 30 dollar payment voucher on my phone and it’s saying it went on on the phone then I got a text it’s not received??? This is not the first time this has happened it was put on before it expired. This is crazy to be honest I should just have a regular plan if this is gonna happen every other month pay as you go should be simple not surprised and scammed all the time 


Mayor / Maire

@Vanessa1983 - this happened before? What did you do then?

And, why would your voucher expire?


Always try both 611 to add the vouchers or by logging into My Account. Remember, though that too many failed attempts may lock the voucher temporally. But wait an hour, then try again.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Hello Vanessa, I had the same problems. Keep your pin recipts, form the store,  and sometimes you need to wait until about 3 hours. Always use *611, and they will update you the best. I changed to auto-authorization just for a peace of mind and you get loyalty points back which really also helps. If worse comes to worse use the auto-bot to show you how to do this, or e-mail a customer service representative. Best of luck!   @Vanessa1983 


Mayor / Maire

HI @Vanessa1983 did you use *611 to load the voucher?  can you try to load again?

and are you trying to load and resume service?  If so, reboot the phone once.  Loading voucher via *611 and resume service sometimes take longer.  Reboot the phone once and check if service is up



@Vanessa1983   no need to worry, no scam


can you login to My Account and confirm if you see the $30 in Available fund? Check Payment history and confirm if PM took the money


If it didn't take the voucher, maybe try to load it again while you are there


Let us know what you see.   again, no worry, this is something can be sorted out


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